Home » Try 8 Best Home Remedies to Cure Chilblains

Try 8 Best Home Remedies to Cure Chilblains

by Ana

Among different skin conditions and diseases that inflict people on arrival of winter season, chilblains is perhaps the most common and yet the easiest to treat. The good news is that there are a number of simple home remedies that can be used to treat this disease. Chilblains are a skin disease that involves tissue injury and mostly affects hands, feet and ears.

Despite the fact that this skin condition is caused in winter season still there is no reason to confuse it with trench foot and frostbite. Common symptoms of chilblains include appearance of blisters, redness and itchiness, severe pain and inflammation.


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Here are eight tried and tested best home remedies to tackle chilblains:

  1. Cayenne Powder

    Medical experts generally agree that one of the major causes of chilblains is irregular blood flow in human body. In this regard, applying Cayenne powder over the affected skin of your body can help you treat chilblains as doing so will regularize your blood flow. However, doctors strictly prohibit the use of cayenne powder on open blisters as it can further aggravate your skin condition.

  2. Horseradish Roots

    Another popular home remedy to treat chilblains is the use of roots of horseradish on the affected skin area. You can get started by crushing some fresh horseradish roots and then actually tying them to the affected area of your body for at least a couple of hours. This particular home remedy is known to bring instant relief to people suffering from chilblains.

  3. Celery

    Celery is another natural ingredient that is commonly found in most households and offers an excellent home remedy for chilblains. The secret of this home remedy is that you need to cook about 100 grams of celery stalks in about 400 to 500 ml water for nearly half an hour and then soak your affected hands or feet in this mixture. Repeating this exercise two or three times for a few days will not only lessen pain and inflammation of your skin but even reverse chilblains for permanent cure.

  4. Mustard Plaster

    Application of mustard plaster that can easily be prepared from commonly found supermarket items is another effective and affordable home remedy for chilblains. A mixture prepared by frying mustard seeds with black peppercorns and then filtering out the latter can be really soothing for chilblains if applied to the affected skin area. Nevertheless, medical professionals warn against possible side effects of this home remedy if used to treat broken or open blisters.

  5. Turnip

    Turnip can be used in more than one ways to treat chilblains. Firstly, freshly chopped turnip should be applied to damaged skin area by chilblains to neutralize the inflammation. Secondly, soaking chilblains with a couple of liters of warm water in which pieces of turnip have been boiled for some minutes has also proven to be an effective home remedy to treat this painful skin condition.

  6. Oil Massage

    A number of oils easily found in your kitchen such as vegetable oil, olive oil and coconut oil can also be greatly helpful in treating chilblains. The thing to remember in this regard is to gently massage your affected skin with slightly warm oil of your choice.

  7. Increase intake of Vitamin A and C

    Medical research has proven that increase in intake of vitamin A and C not only helps your body maintain normal temperature but also keeps check on your blood circulation in good order. All of this can help any person prevent chilblains and the good news is that several easily found vegetables and fruits can help increase vitamin levels in your body.

  8. Moving to a Warmer Climate

    In rare cases, chilblains are also inflicted upon people due to hereditary blood circulation issues. Such people are naturally susceptible to suffering from chilblains and the risk further increases if they happen to live in cold climate. In order to reduce the risk of contracting chilblains it is always precautionary measure to permanently move to a warmer climate. This particular home remedy has been adopted by countless patients of chilblains with amazing results.

    By moving to a warmer climate you can prevent chilblains for good as it will keep your body temperature warm naturally and we all know how warm weather and proper blood circulation instantly eliminate the risk of chilblains.

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