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Growing Rate of Aggression In Young Children

by admin

Aggression in children is growing at tremendously high rate in the recent times. Parenting your child is very important. In most cases parenting held responsible for their aggressive behavior.

Studies on the child’s behavior show that the violent or aggressive behavior of child is being learned at the early stages of life. They tend to learn what they see in their day-to-day life. If children spend most time at home it is the duty of parents to provide proper guidance and support. If required, Parents should attend classes that teach positive ways to handle the difficulties in raising children. Child who stays more time in Child Day Care are more susceptible to be aggressive compared to the child who stays at home. The quality of the Child Day Care does make the difference. Choose the high quality Day Care for your child because they have more well-trained, sensitive and responsive caregivers. They teach good manners to the children and resolve any conflicts.
Show your children your consistent love and affection. Child needs strong and loving relationship with parents. It gives child feeling of being safe and secure, and develops sense of trust. Give appropriate answers to every question they ask.

Young children do not have language skills. It has been found that children may act aggressive if they are not able to convey what they want to. They feel helpless because they do not know how to express their feelings.

Watching television programs may lead your child to behave in an aggressive manner. Now a day channels which are supposed to be dedicated for children, shows programs full of violence. Monitor the channels and programs your child is watching. Limit the time of watching television. Instead involve yourself with your children and spend sometime time playing with them.

Violence in the home can be frightening and harmful for your children. It is the duty of parents to make home happy place to live. The children who have seen violence at home tends to act in the aggressive manner.

Children need encouragement, protection and support from their parents and family members. Without proper supervision children do not receive the guidance they need. The children who do not receive proper guidance from their parents are more likely to have behavior problem.

Teach your children to give respect to elders and fellow. Children may sometime act aggressively and hit other persons. Send your children for time-out for this behavior and repeat it whenever they behave like this next time. Do not forget to reward them for their good behavior. Praise them with the word like “Good Job”. Children will appreciate it as they are being rewarded for this behavior.

Aggression is common among the young children. And you are not alone in dealing this situation. In most cases, good parenting is required to get rid of this situation. Parents need to maintain proper discipline at home and let their children follow it. Do not let your children think that they are being neglected. Mold your children the way you want to see them grow.

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