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Get Rid of Depression

by Souti

Depression can arise for several reasons, what we need to do is to make some changes to uplift our mood. Depression is something immaterial that stands in the way of our normal living. To recapture that easy life we need to eliminate those entities in a strong manner.

•    Try to change your mode of thinking, you might be passing through a critical situation but try to stick to the positive thinking, don’t feel alone. If possible change your atmosphere & plan for a trip.
•    Change your surroundings & keep distance with people who make you feel depressed.
•    Don’t allow anybody to push you down whatever the situation is, be strong & place your own points.
•    Just get out of the house & take a long walk in fresh atmosphere.
•    Try to live a stress free live or minimize the stress level in your life.
•    Add lots of fresh vegetables & fruits in your diet. Daily exercise is very important; you can also try yoga & meditation.
•    If you constantly feel depressed then change your world for a few moments, go for movie or read books.
•    Share your thoughts with friends or people who care for you. It will make you feel relaxed.
•    Try to eliminate caffeine or nicotine from your diet. Try to get sound sleep to reduce your depression.
•    Spend time under bring lights; deem lights can make you feel more depressed.
•    If your depression is linked with anxiety then reduce sugar consumption.
•    Don’t stay in your home all the time go out & spent some times under sunlight.
•    You can also play some relaxing music to change your mood. Put on your dancing shoes once again & try something different.
•    You can even adopt a pet to get rid of your loneliness. In few cases you can go for some professional help.

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