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Neuroendocrinology and obesity

by admin

To know the role of neuroendocrine system in obesity it is essential to know what Neuroendocrinology or Neuroendocrine system is.

Neuroendocrinology is mainly a science that studies the links and associations between nervous system and endocrine glands. The study took a new shape when it was first known that the brain, especially hypothalamus control many secretions related to pituitary and other endocrine glands.

For a very long time and even now it is a general concept that weight loss is only possible through deprivation of tasty but fatty and salty diets and with a lot of exercises. It is a right concept and there is no doubt about the certainty of that concept but the adopted ways and procedures to control diet often proved temporary and unhealthy.

High caloric foods and less exercise indeed lead towards obesity and several other diseases but there is another factor or to be more exact a very vigorous factor that leads towards obesity and various diseases related to obesity like diabetes, high blood pressure cardiovascular diseases and cancers .And this factor uses to create such conditions for the body as entice the body to demand for more foods and evokes such habits as prove very helpful to make a person overweight and full of fat.

Yah! Your guess is right; the disturbance in hormones secretions of different glands including Endocrine glands play a vital role in promoting those factors (like hunger and fat storage) that lead towards obesity and many other diseases related to obesity.

People all around the world have been befooled again and again via different sort of means to control hunger and burn extra fat but the fact is that the best source of controlling hunger and burning extra fat is found in the human body itself. There are several researches suggest that among fatty people these main issues i.e. excessive hunger and fat storage relate to neuroendocrine factor.

Many other researches have also confirmed the relation between eating habits and different diseases related to obesity like diabetes, high blood pressure cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Researches on overweight and obese people show that increase or decrease in making of insulin in them react in two ways:

1) It causes overeating. It stimulates the appetite center that exists in the brain that ignites hunger in the stomach without caring the fact whether food is available in the stomach or not.
2) It also causes to store further fat as a fat-friendly hormone, insulin leads glucose towards cells and it also inclined to dig fat or lipids out of the flow of the blood and leads towards fat cells that cause increase in weight.

So, insulin that is obtained from the pancreas which also works under the umbrella of other endocrine glands proves a double whammy in overweight people.

Over weight people usually adopt a wrong attitude instead of eliminating the root cause; they begin to find out the ways to control their hunger. They use some nonsensical objects like snake oil, jaw cabling, different injections and diet pills to remove their hunger and these objects may prove helpful temporarily but after sometime when it is stopped to take these pills and other objects, people usually find themselves even hungrier than ever before.

The available low calorie diets are also becoming much popular among the people but these sort of diets have also similar sort of impact over hunger as these foods mitigate hunger temporarily but after sometimes the consumers have to face even more severe pangs of hunger. These products also harm taste buds that are found on our tongue.
We must remember that appetite is not our enemy it is essential for life and good health the thing that counts is what we do with that appetite, fill our stomachs with such diet as lead towards obesity or take those foods that not only provide a better respond to our body but also to our soul and inner self.

To find the linkage between neuroendocrine system and obesity many researches have been conducted and in most of them it has been found that the existing connection between these two is quite deep and further study of this relation may lead to find the secret of hunger control that is already found in human body.

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Simpson April 30, 2008 - 2:39 am

“High caloric foods and less exercise” is the key point. Without controlling the lifestyle, you might facing not only the weight problem or also the health problem

Jojo45 May 1, 2008 - 5:07 am

Good to read more about the link between obesityand neuroendocrinology. Obesity is such a plight on society and a problem for so many people.

Rohit May 1, 2008 - 7:18 am

Well I was looking information for obesity and here is the information. Very informative one, I have same problem and have fat in my body. I want to reduce it and such a information will help me.

King May 10, 2008 - 7:37 am

Well, people nowadays mostly sit in front of the PC and east the fast food. This is the root causes

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