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Better Behaved Child: Another Potential Benefit to Breast-Feeding

by Ana

feedingAnother potential benefit to breast-feeding has come forward as fewer behavioral problems in children.

A new study finds that parents of youngsters who were breast-fed as infants have been reporting less regarding behavioral problems in their children during the first five years of life.

Similarly, the possibilities of mental health issues reduce in proportion to the duration of breast-feeding, i.e. if a child has been breast-fed for a year is less likely to develop behavioral problems than a child who has been breast-fed for just two months.

Dr. Katherine Hobbs Knutson (a resident in the department of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston) presented the study at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting, in San Diego. She said: “Though it’s an early finding, it indicates that breast-feeding during infancy could have an effect on behavior during childhood.”

Some previous studies have shown that breast-feeding provides a lot of benefits not only to babies but also to mothers. Risk of diseases like ear infection, pneumonia, wheezing, diarrhea, and bacterial and viral illnesses is quite low in babies who are breast-fed.

Similarly, for moms, it helps the uterus to come back to its pre-pregnancy shape quickly as well as burn those additional calories that often cause increased in weight after pregnancy.  It is said that breast-feeding helps to nurture child-mom bond.

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