Home » heavy drinkers » New Study Claims Heavy Drinking During Middle Life Can Lead to Stroke

New Study Claims Heavy Drinking During Middle Life Can Lead to Stroke

by Vinay M

It is already known that alcohol can have bad effects on our health, but as per the new study at the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital in Czech Republic consuming more than two alcoholic drinks a day during middle life can increase your risk of stroke by more than a third. The team published their new findings in Stroke – a journal of the American Heart Association. The study also claims that they have over 700,000 cases of stroke every year in the United States and the condition is responsible for more than 130,000 deaths each year.

Heavy Drinking

The study also focuses on other health issues that lead to stroke problems and that includes high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. To reach the conclusion, the team analyzed 11,644 same sex twins born between 1967 and 1970 and where the participants were under 60 years of age. The twins were followed for around 43 years until 2010. The researchers analyzed their health data over the entire period and found that nearly 30% of the participants died of stroke. The researchers divided the participants into light drinkers, moderate drinkers and heavy drinkers and found that heavy drinkers were 34% more likely to have a stroke than light drinkers.

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