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Beauty and Health Tips for Moms

by Ana

We often observe when a woman becomes a mother; she doesn’t find time to pay attention to herself. Whether it is a household wife or a working woman, both ignore themselves, having the reason of business. Although this is included in their duties, being a woman they should pay attention to their health and appearance. A woman is a delicate creature of God, carelessness and hectic routine spoils her beauty.

Along with the status and duties of being a mother, it is also her obligation to care for her health and beauty. A small portion of the hectic routine should be confined to self care. You will feel that it will leave a great impact not only on your mood but also on the others around. There are some practices that can be very helpful in balancing your health and beauty with no disturbance in the routine life.

Take proper meals on time

It’s a common practice of the mothers that they often forget to take a proper meal. They miss the breakfast because they concentrate on the family’s meal. And afterwards they go on their jobs and in case of stay at home mothers they get engaged in house chores. Same is repeated with different reasons at lunch and dinner times. It will results in the unhealthy skin or looks and poor health. So take proper meals thrice a day.

Start Your Day Colorfully

It will take no extra time to start up the day with a fresh look. Rise just 5 minutes before as you usually wake up. Comb your hair and apply a sunscreen on the face, quit the whole practice by coloring your lips with a fresh color lipstick. You will see the whole family admire the change in your appearance.

Rituals to Do at Night

beauty-moms2When you go to bed at night, give at least ten minutes to yourself. Apply a good moisturizing cleanser and gently clean your skin. Pay attention to your hands and feet and massage them with a vitamin lotion. At the end comb your hair and veiled your face with a night cream. In a few days you will feel an amazing change in your skin.

Visit Your Doctor on Regular Basis

Regular visits to your doctor every month are necessary. Don’t wait for the time when you get down and needs a doctor in emergency. Inform your doctor about all pains or aches, you feel in the body. He will recommend you the remedy in the form of some medicine or multivitamin. Remember one thing; your health is as essential for your family as for yourself.

Add Some Charm in Your Dull Life

Don’t ignore your emotions in the hectic routine. Its good to spend quality time with your family including your husband and children, but you should spare some moments just for the sake of yourself. Make a plan of a get together with your friends. Having chit chat with them or sharing of your problems will help you to alleviate yourself. You feel very light and psychologically it will leave a great impact on your mood.

Following the above tips regularly, you will be a super mom with a sound health and beautiful looks.

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