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How to Let the Children Know About Stress Management

by Ana

Stress Management

Stress is one of the major problems of our life and this is not associated with any particular age, even children have to face this situation sometimes in their daily routine.

Stress ManagementThe adults have quite much power to handle with the stress situations but the children don’t have such idea and the stress in their lives spoils their whole personality.

Stress for children is difficult from adults because it can be frightening for them and this fear can result in some very severe results. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to help the student in managing their stress situation because those innocent creatures of God don’t even know how to tackle such situations.

In this article some useful suggestions have been provided for those who want to let their children know the method of stress management.

  • First of all allow your children to be independent in some matters of their life, don’t solve each and every problem for them but allow them to work through the difficulties and sort out this problem. Even if your kid is solving some problem by himself, don’t follow that procedure with your advice but just monitor his actions.
  • Develop a very healthy and pleasant atmosphere in your home, a healthy childhood allows the children to learn pleasant and unpleasant situations in their life. If you are teacher then develop such a nice atmosphere in your classroom that no child hesitates to share his feelings with others.
  • When your child is angry about any situation, don’t make him listen quietly to your advice but attentively listen to whatever he want to say to you and then when he’ll be finished with his talks, communicate with him as his/her friend and ensure him that you are with him in any case.
  • Ask some questions to your child that will make him think for solving any problem and this thinking will make his mind stronger and he will also learn to handle different situations.

  • You are a role model of your child, you have to manage your own stress and anger and that will help your child to understand what he should do in those stress situations. Let you child know, what you do when you are tensed or angry so that they’ll do the same in those situations.
  • The deep breathing techniques are best for solving the stress situations so teach your child some deep breathing activities at times of stress.
  • Let your child know about the laughter therapy, teach them to enjoy the situations of stress and anger and bring some fun factor in-between the strongly serious situation.

These were some of the suggestions that can help you in teaching your child regarding stress management. Always try to understand the feelings of your children and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the home and in class if you are a teacher, the children will stay away from stress in such healthy atmosphere.

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1 comment

Prince September 25, 2011 - 7:37 am

I think parent should create atmosphere of love. In a home were there is no love, there will always be trouble and envy and in such a home children can’t learn because there is not yet a man who can sit on a hot oven, and this create more stress for the child and as well cut the focus of such short. Love if the basic tools for every parent who want to teach her children how to manage stress and the parent will be the one to show this first.

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