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Bottled Water Toxic for you and the Planet

by Ana

There is no life without water. Water makes up more than two thirds of human body weight; therefore drinking water should always be clean and free of contaminants to ensure proper health.

There are more than 3,000 brands of mineral water commercially available worldwide. Most of the mineral water bottle manufacturers are not processing and bottling water according to the standards set up by the World Health Organization and the International Bottling Water Association.

The bottled water sales have increased over the past several years. Bottled water must not contain any chemical additives and must be calorie-free and sugar free. According to the study bottle water is just as polluted as a tap water.

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There are some surprising secrets about your favorite bottled water. So think before you buy them.

  1. It tastes like a tap water

    In many taste tests tape water often comes close to or surpasses bottled water in taste. According to researchers’ people prefer water with medium mineralization, whether it came from a bottle or the tape. In a recent research study people were asked to rate several types of bottled and tape water. The findings indicate that people cannot correctly identify bottled water on the basis of its taste.

  2. Bottled water is not always pure

    Bottled water isn’t necessarily pure. The environmental advocacy group Natural Resources Defense council tested 103 brands of bottled water and found that one third of the tested brands contained bacteria or other chemicals.

    In 2011, California State university researchers found during a test that bottled water of some brands contain high levels of heterotrophic-plate-count bacteria, Coliform and Arsenic. These chemicals can harm your body.

  3. It may be a tape water

    About 25 percent of all bottled water comes from municipal water sources. Some famous brands, for example, Coca-Cola’s Dasani and Pepsi’s Aquafina are nothing but purified tap water with added minerals. Make sure that the water you drink contain more than 250 ppm (parts per million) of TDS (total dissolved solids).

  4. Plastic is a huge problem for the environment

    University of Louisville researchers estimate that 17 billion barrels of oil is wasted to produce PET (polyethylene Terephthalate) water bottles. 1.5 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water every year.

    These plastic bottles are becoming a major environmental hazard. A lot of energy is required to make plastic and the bottles also have to be transported which produce more harmful emissions.

    To keep the environments clean always use a reusable and washable bottle.

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