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16 Herbal Remedies to Avoid for the Patients of Heart Trouble

by Ana

Millions of people take Herbal Remedies for different diseases ranging from Cholesterol to Depression. These Remedies seem to be safe but if they interact with the prescribed drugs, they can cause serious Heart Problems.

A new research suggests interaction of Herbal Remedies and Heart Drugs can be a dangerous mix.

Kräutertee Herbal Remedies

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A report of Mayo Clinic for the year 2010 listed more than 25 Herbal products that can really be dangerous for the patients of Heart Trouble on medication.

This guide is prepared with the collaboration of National Institutes for Health and the Natural Standard Research. This guide indicates about the 16 Herbal Remedies that Heart’s Patients should avoid.

  1. Garlic


    It is a member of Onion family. It is available as Oil, extract or a Pill.


    It lowers the LDL, Cholesterol and Blood Pressure. It is also used as a Blood thinner to fight against Atherosclerosis.

    The Risk

    The use of Garlic can increase the risk of Bleeding with the drug like Warfarin, an anti-clotting drug. It is prescribed to the people who have Heart problems or previously have had Heart Attacks.

    Garlic Organically Grown

    Photo by : wikimedia

  2. Saw Palmetto


    It is a fruit of Palmetto tree. It is available in the market in the form of Capsule, Liquid or Tea.


    It is used to fight with the Urinary problems that are caused by the enlarged Prostate Gland. It is also used to fight against Hair Loss, Pelvic Pain and decreased Sex drive.

    The Risk

    It increases the risk of Bleeding due to Warfarin.

    Saw Palmetto

    Photo by : wikimedia

  3. Ginkgo


    It is the extract of leaves of the Ginkgo plant. It is used in the form of Tea and Capsules.


    Ginkgo is used to improve the memory; it prevents dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It is also used for the treatment of Asthma, Sexual Dysfunction, Ear problems and Leg Pain that is caused due to poor Circulation of Blood.

    The Risk

    It increases the risk of Bleeding due to the Aspirin and Warfarin.

    Ginkgo braquiblasto

    Photo by : wikimedia

  4. Echinacea


    It is the Roots and Herb of the Echinacea Plant which is dried or extracted. It is also sold as Capsule, Tea and Juice.


    It is used to avoid Cold and Flu and also boost the Immune System of the body.

    The Risk

    It can increase the risk of Liver Damage in interaction with the medicines like Statin, Niacin and Fibrates. These all drugs are used to lower the Cholesterol.


    Photo by : wikimedia

  5. St. John’s Wort


    It is a Yellow- Flowered Plant. It is also sold as Capsule, Tea or Liquid Extracts.


    It is used to treat Depression and Anxiety. It is also used to treat the Sleep Disorders.

    The Risk

    It affects the ability of the body to absorb dozens of medicines including Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers, Statin etc.

    Saint johns wart flowers

    Photo by : wikimedia

  6. Green Tea


    It is the Leaves of the Camellia Sinensis Plant. They are mostly found in the Water and they are also available in the form of Capsule and Extract.


    It is used to Lose Weight; improve Mental Attentiveness, lower Cholesterol and prevent Cancer.

    The Risk

    Green tae contains Vitamin K in it which can frustrate the working of Warfarin.

    Korea Boseong Green tea

    Photo by : wikimedia

  7. Alfalfa

    Definition:It is a plant of Pea family. The leaves of this plant are dried and grind as Capsules.


    It is used to lower the Cholesterol and it also reduces the Plaques that are caused by the Atherosclerosis.

    The Risk

    It increases the risk of Bleeding related to Warfarin.

    Alfalfa mosaic virus

    Photo by : wikimedia

  8. Ginger


    It is a Root of a plant that is used in Cooking and it is also processed to form the Capsules.


    It is used to treat stomach diseases like Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach ache etc. it is also good for the Muscle and the Joint pain.

    The Risk

    It increase the risk of Bleeding related to Warfain.


    Photo by : wikimedia

  9. Bilberry


    It is a fruit. The dried extracts of Bilberry are same as Blueberry and it is used as Capsules.


    It is used to treat the problems that are caused by the poor Circulation of Blood. It is also used to treat the Diarrhea, Skin problems, Eyestrain and Menstrual Cramps.

    The Risk

    It is used to improve the Blood Circulation however it can also increase the Bleeding due to Warfarin.

    Bilberry at Finland Proper

    Photo by : wikimedia

  10. Fenugreek


    It is a Seed. It is used since the Egyptian Times and it is also used as Capsules.

    It is used for many diseases including Digestive problems, Hot Flashes, Lack of Breast Milk etc. it is also used to lower the Cholesterol level.

    The Risk

    It increase the risk of Bleeding related to Warfain. It can also lower the Blood Sugar level, which can cause the complications for Diabetic patients.

    Fenugreek seed

    Photo by : wikimedia

  11. Ginseng


    It is a Herb that found in Asia. It is used in the medicines and it I also sold in the form of Capsules.


    It is used to boost Energy, Stamina and the Immune System. It is also used to lower the LDL and Cholesterol level.

    The Risk

    If overused, Ginseng can increase the Blood pressure of the Human Body.

    Ginseng in Korea

    Photo by : wikimedia

  12. Grapefruit Juice

    It is a fruit juice available in the all the markets.


    It is used to lose weight and improves the Heart’s health.

    The Risk

    Grapefruit juice disturbs the enzyme that is required to absorb the medications including Statins, Calcium- Channel Blockers.

    A new research says that 1 glass of Grapefruit Juice doubles the amount of Calcium- Channel Blockers in the body.

    Grapefruit and Orange Juice Mimosas

    Photo by : wikimedia

  13. Aloe Vera


    It is the pulp of Aloe Vera plant.


    It is taken orally to treat the diseases like Arthritis, Epilepsy, Diabetes and Asthma.

    The Risk

    Aloe Vera can cause drops in the Potassium level of Blood, which can cause Heart- Rhythm Problems.

    Aloe Vera

    Photo by : wikimedia

  14. Black Cohosh


    Black Cohosh is a plant. It is the extract of the root of Black Cohosh. It is also sold in the form of Capsules.


    Black Cohosh is used to treat the symptoms of Menopause including Hot Flashes, Vaginal Dryness and Night Sweats etc. It is also used to treat the Joint and the Muscle pain.

    The Risk

    It interferes with the certain medicines such as Statins, Beta Blockers and Calcium- Channel Blockers. Sometimes it can also cause damage to the Liver.

    Actaea racemosa

    Photo by : wikimedia

  15. Hawthorn


    It is a Flowering Shrub of the Rose Bush.


    The fruit of Hawthorn is used to treat the symptoms of Heart Diseases. It is also used to prevent the Heart Failure.

    The Risk

    It is used to strengthen the contractions of Heart’s Muscles but Hawthorn can interfere with the effectiveness of Heart- Failure medications.

    These are not just the Herbal Products that may create problems for the patients of Heart.

    Common hawthorn flowers

    Photo by : wikimedia

  16. Licorice Root


    Licorice is a plant. The dried extracts of the root of Licorice plant is sold in the form of Capsule.


    The Licorice root is used to treat the Ulcers, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Viral Infections and other Stomach diseases.

    The Risk

    It can raise level of Blood pressure in the Human body.

    The things like Angelica, Capsicum, Fumitory, Gossy Pol, Irish moss, Night Blooming Cereus, Oleander, Ephedra etc all these things can interact negatively with the medications and can cause complications for the Heart’s patients.

    Ligusticum grayi

    Photo by : wikimedia

The Heart patients taking medications should see their Physician before taking any Food Supplement of Herbal Remedies


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