Home » Why Should A Country Need To Measure Specific Life Expectancy Period?

Why Should A Country Need To Measure Specific Life Expectancy Period?

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Healthy Life expectancy measurement program by CDC

Center for disease control and prevention is a government agency which looks after the health and accessories required to maintain health.  CDC is required to measure the healthy life expectance of people so as to estimate the future plans. It can re organize its method of approach to safeguard the health of people by and large.  Such reports are significant as they throw light on various factors like health, endurance, disease prone, disabilities, mortality data and other details.


Healthy Life

These factors help in re organizing the health programs so that more and more people can be covered under health programs.  Healthy citizens are wealth of a nation.  In this measurement program the details like death and mortality rate, life expectancy at the age of 25, life expectancy at the age of birth and at 65 years and at 75 years are measured, it is also measured according to sex, race and Hispanic origin.  Various methods are adopted in measure healthy life expectancy among the citizens.

Objectives, methods and results of the healthy life expectancy measuring programs


With an objective to show overall health statistics, figures containing mortality and morbidity are identified and indexed.


The calculations done using a multistate life table model.  It helps in estimating the life expectancy survey in various states .It makes use of second longitudinal study of aging and the Medicare.


It helps in knowing the health problems and health care expectance. Information is drawn from survey. This in turn, helps in making suitable arrangement for further health care programs Healthy life expectancies can be raised considerably by removing the causes.  It also helps in implementation of the correction in the health care programming.


Most importantly it helps in predicting and estimating future health programs, identifying the trends and inequalities.  It also brings out the diseases and disability people are suffering from..  These studies and surveys are extremely useful for public health officials and people like policy makers.  By using this study one can implement suitable programs for people and they can understand the status of health in their nation . It is always preferable to be guided by comparative study which  gives the facts and figures about the health status in different states.


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