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Longer Maternity Leaves Increases the Breast-Feeding Rates

by Ana

On Monday, May 30, a new study shows that women who stay at home for longer time go for the Breast-Feeding for their babies.

The results of this study publish in the June Issue of Pediatrics. The researchers said that the mothers who stay at home for 3 or more months, they are more likely to Breast-Feed the babies beyond these 3 months.

Dr. Chinelo Ogbuanu, a Maternal and Child Health Epidemiologist in the department of Public Health at the Georgia Community Health in Atlanta says that women should be helped like Government should extend the Family and Medical Leave Act, women should be given Job Security and the mothers who want to Breast-Feed, they should be helped.

She further says that women should be given paid Maternity available to every woman. This will help women to stay at home foe longer time. Some women do not take Maternity Leave because they are not paid for it.

The U.S Family Leave and Medical Act became in the year 1993. It requires that employers should offer 12 weeks of unpaid Maternity Leave to the female workers after the birth of the Child.

This Law does not apply to all the employees. The businesses that have less than 50 workers are exempt and the eligible women should have job for a year or more and worked at least 1,250 hours in the past 12 months.

5 states offer Maternity Leave which goes beyond the Federal Law. California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island provide the half-done compensation to the female employees after the birth of their Child.

Canada provides 17 weeks of Paid Maternity Leave at the 55% of women’s wage. According to the United Nations Division of Statistics, This trend varies province to province.

Sweden offers 16 months of Paternal Leave with 80% of the worker’s Salary. Japan offers 14 weeks with 2/3s pay.

The research proves that the duration of Maternity Leave is the 1 of the most important factor in deciding about the start or the early cessation of Breast Feeding.

The Dr. Deborah Campbell, Director of Neonatology at the Montefiore Medical Center in the New York City says that most of the women have to return to the job within 6 months of their Child’s birth and it takes time to set up Breast-Feeding. Babies do not know how to Breast-Feed. Mothers have to face many feeding challenges. Baby needs time to build a feeding bond with the mother.

The women who have to go back to their work early, they choose the option of Bottle Feeding to their Child. They snatch a very basic right of Breast-Feeding from their Children due to the short Maternity Leave.
Compel said, this study provides the further support that is needed to have more Maternity Leave for women. This will also help to promote the continuation of Breast-Feeding.

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