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Health Benefits of Apples

by Souti
Health Benefits of Apples

Apple is considered as one of the healthiest foods on the earth. This miracle fruit is a huge source of nutrients. We all are aware about the proverb “an apple a day really keeps the doctor away”.

Numerous Health Benefits of Apples

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According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, having lots of veggies as well as fruits can prevent cancer, & apples comes first among such fruits because of its antioxidant content. As per Flores, apple can reduce the chances of lung cancer. People who consume onions, white grapefruit & apple on a daily basis can lower the chances of cancer by almost half according to a Hawaiian study.

Findings by Cornell University revealed that consuming apples on a regular basis can lower the chances of breast cancer too. They applied it on rats. For rats who consumed almost 3 apples on daily basis, the chances of cancer were reduced by almost 39%, while for rats consuming 6 apples regularly the chances were lowered by almost 44%.

Nutritional Value Of Apples

It’s a great source of dietary fiber, from where you can arrange almost 12% of your regular necessity. Organic compounds, which you can acquire from apples are polyphenolic, epicatechin, quercetin etc. Some other important components are riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C, etc. Magnesium, copper, potassium etc could also found in apples.

Helps in Bone Protection

According to French researchers, rich supplies of phloridzin(flavanoid) found in apples can avert ailments like osteoporosis among women (after menopause), by increasing the strength of your bone. Another component called boron is also quite effective for making your bones strong.

Good for Asthma

Good for Asthma

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A study revealed that if kids suffering from asthma drink apple juice on a regular basis, then they have less complaints of wheezing than kids who consume it only once in a month. One more study says, while you are pregnant, if you consume quite a lot of apples then it could lower the chances of asthma in your kids.

Fights Alzheimer’s

Quercetin content in apple could provide a good protection from radical damage of your brain cells, which in turn could improve the condition of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Reduces Your Rrisk of a Stroke

A study (which was carried out on almost 9208 women & men) revealed that people who are consuming apples for more than 28 years, have less risk of ailments like stroke. It can also lower the chances of thrombotic stroke.

Lowers Levels of Bad Cholesterol

Lowers Levels of Bad Cholesterol

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According to researchers from The Florida State University, aged women who consume apples in a daily basis have 4% more HDL (good cholesterol) & 23% lower LDL (Bad Cholesterol) just after 6 months.

Reducing Your Risk of Diabetes

Reducing Your Risk of Diabetes

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You can also reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes by consuming almost 3 servings of blueberries, grapes, raisins & apples every week.

Fights Obesity

fights obesity

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According to a journal Food Chemistry (publishes in 2014) there are some bio active compounds found in different varieties of apples ( Golden delicious , McIntosh , Red delicious , Gala , Fiji, Brae burn, Granny Smith ).These compounds were found to enhance the so called good gut bacteria when mice who are obese in nature and on an enhanced diet ate those apples. However Granny Smith apples comes first for its effect on Good gut bacteria. Their study also revealed that it can avert obesity as well as various ailments related to it.

So here are some real benefits of apples. Make sure while you are going for groceries next time, apples would be the first thing that gets into your cart.

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