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Get Rid from Acne Spots with Easiest Home Remedies

by Ana

Acne is a major problem which is common in people of all age, race and appearances. But acne or pimples left some unwanted spots and marks which have become such a very common phenomena.

acne-spotsThere are a lot of ways to get rid of these ugly marks and spots. But some people who do not afford and do not like any surgical treatment they usually look for those ways which do not have any side effects. Although the treatment of acne is more expensive but it’s depend upon the method which you have adopted. The treatment for removal of acne marks is even more expensive and infrequently even painful.

There are many ways to get rid from the marks which are left by the acne but the natural home remedies are the best way. To remove the acne marks Kitchen items are the best because these are easily available, cheapest and the most effective ingredients.

  • You have to increase the quantity of vegetable, fruits, seeds and nuts in your diet. The best cure of acne is fruit juices, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds because they have contained selenium (Brazils) and zinc (pumpkin seeds), deficiencies in these minerals have been linked to acne. If you do not like recipes then you have to contain a variety of fresh ingredients in your diet.
  • Lemon juice is helpful in lightening the dark spots caused by acne or pimples. Lemon juice has citric acid and ascorbic acid both have some specific properties. So apply some lemon juice on cotton ball and softly apply it on acne marks. Leave it for ten minutes and then wash it. You must have used some precautions with lemon because it makes your skin photosensitive. So you have to apply sunscreen before going out into sun. You can also take glass of lemon juice once a day.


  • Baking soda is one of the best exfoliant. It makes your skin soft and silky. Make a mixture of one teaspoon baking soda and two teaspoon of water, apply it on acnes and leave it for 1 minute and then wash it.
  • After exfoliate your skin with baking soda apply pea size olive oil on your skin. It will deeply moisturize the skin and soften the skin texture.
  • Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic and very beneficial for acne skin. Neem soap helps tranquil and soothe irritated skin.
  • Form proteins to minerals and vitamins all essential nutrients are included in Aloe Vera gel. It is exceptionally valuable for health of skin. You can pertain its gel topically or take its juice orally. Although its use is safe, but still do not use it unless you consult with your doctor first.
  • Honey is also very useful for removal of acne spots. Make a mixture of honey and milk and apply it on spots twice a day. Honey is not only contains vitamin A but it is also a natural antibiotic and astringents. It increases the growth rate of cells around the spots that eventually results in filling empty space.

  • Water is an universal compound and every chemical reaction needs water. So you have to take a lot of water because proper growth require sufficient amount of water to your body.
  • Spots of acne damage your skin tissues so in this regard balance diet play very important role in repairing damage area faster. So take balance diet rich in proteins and minerals.

Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks because increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can intensify acne.
Spots or marks are a normal process of formation of collagen fibers after the wound or acne has healed. It can be treated in various ways; home remedies for treating acne marks are useful. Home remedies contain all important substances that your body needs for healthy growth.

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Tips To Get Rid Of Acne Scars | Cool Health Tips September 29, 2010 - 12:08 am

[…] are many chemical as well as natural homemade remedies for the treatment of acne scars; I would suggest you to go for the natural procedures because they don’t bring any side effects […]

Jim Schmidt October 14, 2010 - 2:28 pm

Interesting article – especially the baking soda tip. Sounds like a great alternative to other products. Thanks.

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