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Facts about Organic Food

by Ana

Organic Food

Recently organic foods received great popularity, but many peoples do not have proper idea about the organic food. There are millions of website offering info about various health facts.

We can define it “free of chemicals food items in different stages of their production, processing and packing” .These food items received great popularity due to their health benefits. Organic food industry is boosting day by day as farmers, manufacturers are also prefer to prepare organic items rather than conventional items. Many products of organic food are available in market i.e. organic milk, organic meat, organic beef, organic fruits, organic vegetables, fruits, organic tea, coffee, and many other.

Organic Farming:

Organic farming contains organic (seeds, fertilizers and root stimulators). These fertilizers contain toxic pesticides mixed with natural mineral fertilizers that are growth hormones for crops. These foods items are prepared under the supervision of official authorities .It endorse helpful insects that eat harmful insects and vanished their effect on food items.

Benefits of Organic Foods:

  1. Organic food items are very useful for the fitness of our whole body because these items are more nutritious and enriched with vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
  2. Organic items reduce the risk of cancer, heart diseases and other birth defects, as these items are pesticide-free and contain phenolic compounds.
  3. Quality of organic food items is very high as compared to conventional food items.
  4. Taste of natural and fresh organic food item is greater than non-organic. A study by Washington State University in 2001 claimed that organic food items are sweeter and had firmer texture than non-organic items.
  5. Organic farming is useful for environment because it is free of toxic chemicals that pollute the water and soil .Richness of soil is increased.

Tips To Buy Organic Foods:

  1. Check the label and logo of authority, who verifies production and processing is organic.
  2. You must have knowledge of different companies and organizations, which perfectly monitor and approve the production and processing of any item to be organic.
  3. An overview of organic food items prices is also required ,because their prices fluctuate from 10% to 200% from place to place .If you have any previous knowledge about  the accurate place and right price .It will give you more utility in aspect of prices and quality.

Discouraged Factor of Organic Foods:

1.    Mostly organic foods are expensive, due to following reasons.

i.    Cultivation cost of organic food items is high as compared to conventional food items.

ii.    These items are prepared on small scale that is why expensive.

iii.    During harvesting of organic foods animals must kept in cages.

Therefore, their grazing and spacing cost is high as compared to conventional crops. Which increase the cost of organic food items.

2.    Mostly appearance of organic food items  is not so appealing as compared to non-organic  items.

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