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Cocaine Addiction amongst the Premature Aging

by Ana

Cocaine syndrome raised up as one of the major developmental defects on human body as a disease. The people of very little ages and premature have been indulging in such king of disease by linking to a specific blend protein, which has been reported in an article of 21 March, 2008 in the open access journals of PLOS Genetics.

The scientists found very recently some important genetic factors of CS. DNA factors for example the CSB protein is reported as one of the biggest causes of premature aging. The scientists are yet to find the reasons of this syndrome. They say that we are unable still to find out the proper facts and figures of this disease but we are trying best to find it pretty soon.

Cocaine syndrome is actually linked to a recessive process system of mutations in the Place of CSB gene. The complete loss of CSB protein causes an individual unaffected. Very recently John Newman has discovered an unexpected collaborator to the gene which is named as Piggy BAC Transpose. Actually it happens that the level of intensity is increased by the use of such substance. Therefore the scientists also named it as a Jumping Gene. The CSB genetic material produces two types of products in an equal way of abundance. They are the normal CBS protein and a fusion protein. The fusion protein involves in all CS patients but not in the people who are unaffected with a complete loss of CSB.
This fusion protein is very attractive and beneficial to those who are in the presence of CBS.Whereas it is harmful and debilitating to those individuals who are lacked in the full use of CBS protein. This creates a full multifarious picture of the disease. Newman describes, “The discovery of the fusion protein complicates an already complicated situation. Now we have a whole new set of questions to answer.”So at end we can say that Cocaine syndrome is not because it is simply an addiction to the youth of the society. Agencies should take reasonable steps to control the use of CS.Health and hygiene promotion programs of CS should also be launched by the national and international donors and agencies. Moreover the state should bring a remedy of CS by providing socio-psycho and rehabilitation programs for the premature age groups of the society.

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