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Anemia: Some Warning Signs

by Ana

(HealthDay News) — Anemia occurs either when the blood is deficient in red blood cells, or it lacks enough of a protein called hemoglobin.

If your blood doesn’t have sufficient amount of red blood cells (RBS) or a protein known as hemoglobin, you may become anemia victim.

There are some forms of the disease that may prove life-threatening if they are not diagnosed or left untreated.

If you experience the following conditions, you need to consult your doctor as they may serve as some warning signs for anemia.

  1. To feel weak and tired persistently
  2. Often suffer from dizziness, shortness of breath or headache
  3. If your body temperature remains lower than what is considered normal
  4. If you experience cold or numbness in your feet and hands.
  5. Paleness
  6. If you feel irritated and touchy
  7. If you feel pain in chest and often experience abnormal heartbeat.
  8. If your performance is getting bad to worse at school or work.

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Do’s and Don’ts for Anemic Patients « AllinfoDir Health Articles and News February 16, 2011 - 8:33 am

[…] Anemia is a medical condition where the number of blood cells circulating in the body becomes abnormally low. It is the most common disorder of red blood cells in the world. Anemia is not a disease; it is a medical condition that occurs from below-normal levels of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Hemoglobin is an iron-containing pigment of the red blood cells that carries oxygen from lungs to the tissues. […]

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