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Some Common Herbs and Their Uses

by Ana

Nature has provided such magnificent gifts for the man kind which can solve many of their problems i.e. physical diseases, mental problems without any need for consulting the physician.

The natural products for treating the body’s problem mostly comes without any side effects and these herbal supplements have been very popular from ages now days more people are coming towards herbal treatments because of the side effects of allopathic treatments, the allopathic treatment is also not a bad thing but if the problem get resolved by herbs then it will be beneficial.

In this article some natural herbs have been discussed which carries fantastic results for the skin and health.

  • Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is commonly known as the super food because of being very rich in vitamins and minerals. According to some scientific studies it contains ninety nine important nutrients which our body easily absorbs for attaining maximum benefits. The herbal supplement of Bee Pollen is great for enhancing energy and it is thought to best for the athletes. Mainly it contains Vitamin B which is best to increase body energy and during summers when energy gets lost very easily this can prove to be very effective apart from the risky worm drugs.

  • Worm Wood

This plant is also called the southern wood and they can easy grow in any climate and are propagated in the early autumn. The plant gives you very beautiful silver foliage which adds up the beauty of your garden ad also can be used for the dry flower arrangement. This herb though is not very famous for the health issues but you can use this herb in pot-pourris to create a very calming natural scent.

  • Aloe Vera

This is one of the most fantastic herbal supplements which give very exciting results and it also offers a large variety of health benefits as well. the main benefits which you can get from this herb are; it decreases the level of cholesterol thus helps in preventing from heart diseases, prevents cancers, prevent high blood pressure and gives very fantastic results to the skin in case of acne problems. The people having arthritis can also get benefits from this natural gift for them. The Gel which is present under the hard surface of Aloe Vera contains about 82 nutrients and 21 amino acids, 15 minerals as well.

  • Echinacea

This is another very effective herb which is mostly used for preventing flu and for curing cold. Not only it works as a natural anti-biotic but it also gives amazing results as an infection fighter. People mostly use this supplement for curing the head cold because it is best for the glandular problems.

  • Ginseng

This herbal supplement is mostly suggested for the kidney problems because it acts as a stimulant for the adrenal kidney and spleen functions along with restoring the vital energy of the body. Mostly it is taken as an energy booster and in this regard it is another effective thing for the athletes. Furthers advantages of this herb are; it enhances the person’s memory and also acts a sexual stimulant. Another exciting thing about it is that it treats the problems of gastrointestinal tract which thus ensures long and healthy life.

These were some of the very effective herbs which can help you in various body problems and diseases, some people try to avoid the natural products for their treatments and use the chemical supplements which though vanishes their problem but most of the time it has been seen that some other problems starts emerging due to drawbacks of chemicals used in the drugs.

So it would be best to consult nature at the beginning or before emergence of problem so that you can live a healthy life.

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