Home » autism » Vaccines Controlling Mitochondrial Dysfunction lead to Autism in Children

Vaccines Controlling Mitochondrial Dysfunction lead to Autism in Children

by Ana

David Kirby, an investigative journalist has recently posted an article bringing up an eye catching relationship between “Mitochondrial Dysfunction”, “Vaccines” and “Autism”. This was based on the minutes of the conference call held in the beginning of March, where all the federal vaccine safety officials were brought together to deal with all the apprehensions related to the above association between vaccines and autism.

Hannah, a nine year boy in Atlanta was reported to develop regressive autism after being administered with the vaccine. Doubts are rising regarding the vaccines now which in Hannah’s case worsened the conditions.

This has led to hope in parents of children who lost headway into autism after receiving vaccines that this report may help in creating an alert among the government health officials to seriously consider and act upon the link between vaccines and autism.

Kirby in his article defined ‘Mitochondria’ as the little powerhouses within each cell that convert food and oxygen into energy. It was one of the main topics discussed in the conference call held among the health officials.

“Some researchers on the call reported that mitochondrial dysfunction is probably much more common than the current estimate of 1-in-4,000 people, making the potential implications for autism staggering,” Kirby reported.

Certain important factors came up during this call. They concluded that 2% of the children i.e. 1 out of 50 children may be said to be in risk due to mitochondrial dysfunction. The same percentage of children can be thought of, who are fighting with autism and have underlying mitochondrial dysfunction.

The call also shed light on the various factors which seem to cause damage to mitochondria. There are cases of children, suffering from mitochondrial dysfunction due to the being prone genetically. However the environmental factors such as Thimerosal, medicines, mercury, pollution, aluminum, pesticides, and prenatal alcohol exposure also bring damaging effects to these powerhouses of the cells, causing dysfunction.

So the environmental causes could not be ignored as doctors expressed fear that any kind of alteration in DNA alone may not be enough to bring dysfunction in the cells.

This mitochondrial dysfunction in children leads to autism in children who show symptoms of autism, after following a fever and illness from viral infections or a vaccine reaction.

The CDC being aware of this situation, would soon bring certain changes in the vaccines schedule however the most important decision has to be made how and when to administrate vaccination among the children suffering from mitochondrial dysfunction

ScottBono, who chairs the National Autism Association (NAA), says “It’s apparent that those in a position to bring the truth to light about the vaccine-autism connection might finally be listening to the parents who have witnessed it first-hand.”

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