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Regular workout may improve Postmenopausal women’s life quality

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Results of a new US study show that different workout can be very helpful to improve the quality of life in postmenopausal women, although they are not effective in losing weight.

In their study, the researchers included 430 postmenopausal women (aged 57.4 on average basis) and they assigned 4 kilocalories per kg, 8 kilocalories per kg or 12 kilocalories per kg as exercise expenditure randomly for these groups. These levels show 50%, 100% and 150% of the present recommendations of public health physical activity.

Corby K. Martin, the lead author of the study, says, “It was found that 4-KKW, 8-KKW and 12-KKW groups were 95%, 88.1% and 93.7% adhere to exercise respectively and every group spent 73.9%, 138.3% and 183.6 min/week for exercise.”

It was found that control group had 2.07lbs average weight loss, 2.95 lbs in 8-KKW group 2.07 and 2.90lbs in 12-KKW group.

“Nearly on every aspect of life quality dose response was noted and it was also found that the health perception was quite improved in 4-KKW group and similarly there was a considerable boost in their mental health and vitality if compared to control group,” the researchers explained.

The study has been published in the Archives of Internal Medicine Feb. 09 issue.

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