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11 Worst Plants that Causes Allergy

by Shilpa

Plants that Causes Allergy

US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health found that millions of American are suffering from cough, sneezing, running nose and watery eyes when pollen start flying in the air. During spring season few tiny particles are released from the trees; these tiny particles are known as pollen. Their task is to fertilize other plants but most of the time they do not reach their destination rather they cause irritation in human noses and throats which eventually causes pollen allergy also called hay fever or rose fever. Following are the few worst plants that cause severe form of allergies among masses:

1. Pollen

The allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever. Pollen is found on the plants and trees and it causes the watery eyes, stuffy nose. The fever caused due to pollen grains is known as hay fever because it was discovered in the haying season. AAFA (American Association for Asthma and Allergy) is trying to reduce the plants and trees that cause allergies in the different cities.

2. Ragweed

Ragweed is found in the fields, at the river banks, roadsides and rural areas. Mild west and the Mississippi River Basin have more than average of Ragweed. The peak time of Ragweed is summer and fall. Dr Filley says that it is the most allergenic plant. It is not very common in the England so the amount of pollen is also less in England. AAFA says that 75% of Americans are allergic to Ragweed.

3. Mountain Cedar

Cedar seeds are found in mountainous areas. It is found in tons in Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Mexico. The peak time of Cedar is the spring season. Texas is a hilly area and many severe allergies are caused due to Cedar trees in this city.

4. Ryegrass

Ryegrass is seen in dry, cool lawns, meadows and in pastures. It is mostly found in Northern parts of United States. The peak time of Ryegrass is the spring and the summer season.

There are no allergy free grasses almost all the grasses are problematic and the common grass allergens are Orchard grass and the Timothy.

5. Maple

Maple trees are found along the streams and in the woods. It is mostly seen in Eastern United States and Canada. The peak time of Maple plants is spring season. There are different kinds of Maple plants like red silver, sugar maple. Ash- leaf maple plants produce allergens that are found in throughout the United States. Other types of Maple also produce allergens that enhance the allergies in the human body.

6. Elm

Elm exits on the cultivated land and in the wetland habitats. It is mostly found in the Eastern and the Midwestern places of United States. The peak season of American Dutch Elm is spring and the Lace bark elm in fall. 100 million trees of Dutch elm were killed between 1930 and 1980 but the trees came back in the1990s.

7. Mulberry

Mulberry trees are seen in Woods and the river valleys. Mulberry trees exist in Eastern United States. The peak season for Mulberry trees is winter to summer. Flowering plants usually do not produce pollen. Cherry and crab apple also does not produce pollen but the Mulberry plants produce strong pollens that contribute to the hay fever.

8. Pecan

Pecan is seen in woods and in the Orchard gardens. It is found in western edge of Southeastern United States, Florida, Indiana and Ohio cities. The peak time of Pecan plants is spring. Pecans taste is good. Potent allergens are found in the region where Pecan trees are more in number.

9. Oak

Oak is seen in the woods and it is found in the coastal plain of Texas, Virginia and in Florida. The peak time of oak trees is spring.

The pollen produced by oak are less effective but exist in large quantity. It produces pollen for the longest season.

10. Pigweed

Pigweed is seen in lawns and roadsides and it is found in the western and the northern United States. The peak season of pigweed is spring to fall. Weed allergens that are found in the west may also include Russian thistle and the green molly.

11. Arizona cypress

Arizona cypress is seen in the cultivated soil and is found in Southwestern United States.

The peak season of Arizona cypress is spring. This tree causes pollen in the hot climates for six to seven months in a year.

The allergies caused due to pollen are not incurable. Taking proper care and if treated well pollen allergies can be reduced to a large extent. If you feel symptoms of pollen allergy consult a doctor as soon as possible as it will be helpful to diagnose one’s disease at an initial level.

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1 comment

11 Worst Plants that Causes Allergy | DarkAges March 28, 2011 - 1:10 am

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