Home ยป Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese Encephalitis

by Souti

incepJapanese encephalitis is a viral infection caused by mosquitoes. Humans as well as animals can get affected by this viral disease. Affected people can suffer from membrane inflammation around their brain. Because of this viral disease the complete nervous system can get affected.

Some major facts:

This is a viral infection, which leads to brain fever. After coming in bodily contact, it directly hits the brain.During the month of August, September as well as October, this ailment comes to its peak.Along with swines & mosquitoes, sometimes filthy substance can also lead to this outcome.



Some beginning manifestations are headache, fever, weakness, stiffness of the neck as well as vomiting. As time goes by, this turns into a high fever, dilated pupils, loss of appetite along with disorientation, spastic paralysis, coma, etc.. Sometimes people who survive can suffer from ailments like, neurological problems, such as an inability to speak, paralysis etc.




Experts are believed to have carried out JE immunization in all areas, where this ailment is identified as a public health hazard.


4 types of vaccines can be found out there :


  1. Inactivated cell-based vaccines
  2. Live chimeric vaccines
  3. Inactivated mouse brain-based vaccines
  4. Live attenuated vaccines


Though there is no such particular treatment available for this deadly ailment, however, some precautions could be taken,


  1. Proper sanitation solution
  2. Using mosquito repellents
  3. Try to wear fully covered dresses
  4. Maintaining proper cleanliness is also an important aspect.
  5. Controlling mosquito breeding by stopping water accumulation.


Travels to the Japanese encephalitis prone areas need to take some drastic precautions, which include, wearing as much as covered cloths as possible, using vaporizers, mosquito repellents, coils etc.

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