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Effective Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

by Souti

Varicose Veins

Veins transport the unclean blood from the various parts of your body. While they turn weak instead of carrying the varicoseveins1blood to the heart they usually transport it back, which leads to congestion. It can appear on legs or on other parts of your body. It happens mostly because of obesity, lack of exercise, pregnancy etc.

•    For curing varicose veins warm water enema has been recommended for providing you some useful results.

•    Vitamin C & E also has the potential to treat the varicose veins.

•    Create a mixture of spinach juice (200 ml) along with carrot juice (300 ml). It will give you some relief from varicose veins.

•    Rosemary oil has also been found to be effective for varicose veins. You can massage the affected area with this oil.

•    You can also smear apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins for some relief. Use can apply this twice morning & evening.

•    You need to switch to fruit based diet for a few initial days then add fresh vegetables, nuts, and grains in your diet.

•    Create a paste of water & fuller’s powder. Smear the paste on the affected area & leave it for overnight. Next day wash off with cool water.

•    Warm Epsom salt bath can also give you some effective remedy.

•    Hazel tea or vitamin E oil is another good option for curing varicose veins.

•    Cold or warm hip bath has also been recommended for some useful remedy.

•    While suffering from varicose veins try to keep distance from coffee, white sugar, starchy foods, strong tea, alcohol etc.

•    Prepare a mixture of minced calendula flower (2 cup leaves & stems) & melted lard (2 cup). Mix the ingredients well & heat thoroughly. Now smear it on the affected area.

•    Prepare a mixture of rosemary oil (12 drops) along with almond oil (4 ounce) & cypress (12 drops). In upward movements use this on your legs.

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