Home » How to Get Rid of Cholesterol Deposits Around Your Eyes

How to Get Rid of Cholesterol Deposits Around Your Eyes

by Souti
Cholesterol Deposits Around Your Eyes

Fighting Deposition of Cholesterol around your eyes:

Deposition of cholesterol usually appears on the upper lids of the eye. It happens because of high LDL levels in blood. It can look like swelling or puffy eyes type, however its only cholesterol deposition, which is also popularly known as xanthelasma. Some other health ailments like diabetes or liver diseases can also lead to such condition. Xanthelasmata, and yellowish deposition is not injurious & doesn’t reflect any pain. It just a higher level of fat in human bloodstream.

The following are effective home remedies available to tackle this situation:



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Garlic is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Take a few garlic cloves & grind them well. Now apply this paste on the problematic areas. It can help you to avert such problem.

Castor oil:

Castor Oil

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Take a clean cotton ball & then soak it in castor oil. Apply it on the affected area & let it dry overnight. Use warm water to clean the area in the morning.The acid content in castor oil can lower this problem.

Apple cider vinegar:

apple cider vinegar

Image by: Rajya Laxmi

Apple cider vinegar itself is known for its ability to reduce the LDL level. However if you apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar & a little water (just to make it thin) on the cholesterol deposition affected areas it can also give you some good results.

Fenugreek seeds:

fenugreek seeds

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Soak some fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight & have it in the morning (on empty stomach). Also applying this mixture on the affected areas can also be an useful option.



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Get some onion juice & combine it with salt. Let it stay for 1-2 hours & then apply it (using your hands or cotton ball) on the affected areas. Leave it overnight. Having onion juice with a little bit of water can also lower your cholesterol level.

Banana peels:

Banana Peels

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Peel a banana. Now take the banana peel, put it on the area around your eyes and keep it tightly in place with the help of a bandage so that it can stay secured overnight. When you wake up in the morning, remove the bandage and the peel and then wash the area off with water. Keep on repeating this process every night. You will definitely get some good results.



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For almost 15-20 minutes soak some coriander seeds in water & have it quite a few times during the dayon a daily basis.



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Create a paste with almond powder & milk. Then apply it on the affected areas. You can also consume almond directly to control your cholesterol level.

Tea Bag Compress:

Tea Bags

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Get a moist tea bag & compress it lightly on the affected area. If you continue doing it regularly, then it can provide some nice outcomes over a period of time, thereby preventing recurrence of such problems.



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Cinnamon is a rich provider of terpenoids, which is a popular choice for lowering of cholesterol level, especially for people who are suffering from depositions on all sides of their eyes.



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You can chew some basil leaves directly to control your cholesterol level or you can apply some basil extract on the cholesterol deposition areas. Both of this option scan give you some useful results.

Along with these remedies, you also need to concentrate of your diet too. Daily exercise & a healthy diet can lower your bad cholesterol level, which in turn can also remove those depositions too. Make sure you have added plenty of veggies, fruits & fiber rich foods in your regular diet.

Featured Image by: Pexels

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