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Dandruff: An annoying scalp disorder

by admin

scalp disorderDandruff occurs because of excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the dry scalp. Usually people between the ages of 12 to 80 have to face this problem, but scalp dandruff can occur at any age. The mild cases of dandruff can be easily treated with daily shampooing, but for stubborn flakes we need medicated shampoos.

Dandruff is considered an annoying, itchy and persistent scalp disorder. During the last ten years, dandruff has become a problem more serious and more frequent than ever before not only in the US but also in many other parts of the world. In normal skin cells, it is common to die and flake off in a small amount. In many cases of dandruff common household remedies and shampoos are used to treat the problem.

When the skin on the scalp begins to shed, there are white flakes not only on the head but also on the neck and shoulders that feel shining especially on some dark outfits.  Dandruff doesn’t look like a big problem at initial stages, but it begins to become serious when flakes appear and shed rapidly. There are many layers of skin in the scalp.

Dandruff and dark color shirt don’t like each other and often seem to give a cold shoulder to each other. If you wear a dark shirt and already suffering from dandruff, white flakes that are often seen on your shoulders tell everyone about your problem and feel quite uncomfortable in gatherings.

In most cases, dandruff seems like scaling on the scalp that hasn’t redness. In Seborrhea, the skin of the scalp and face gets oily but without scaling or redness. Seborrheic dermatitis can also occur in patients with seborrhea and it has redness as well as scaling. Dandruff is not a serious problem and it can be easily treated in most of cases, but it can also worsen if not treated properly.

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