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Brain Cancer – Causes and Symptoms

by Ana

Brain Cancer

A research says that 2 Gene Mutations in the region of Chromosome 1 and 19 can cause Cancer in the body. Researchers further say that Genetic Mutations are linked with the most common type of Brain Cancer to exhibit the Biological cause of Tumor.

They made the sequence of Protein- coding Genes in 7 samples of tissues from Tumor and focused on recurring Mutations in 2 Genes.

The scientists said that Genes are missing in the “2 Hit theory” of Cancer development. There are 23 copies of Chromosomes in a human body, which has thousands of Genes that produce Protein. In any copy is missing it can cause deficiency of Protein and if 2nd copy is missing, it can lead to Cancer.

Brain Tumor

image by : wikimedia

What is Brain Cancer?

Brain Cancer is a disease of Brain in which Cancer cells are caused in the Brain tissue. Cancer cells grow to make a lump on Cancer tissue; it interferes with the functioning of Brain like muscle control, memory and other body’s function.

Tumors consist of Cancer cells also known as Malignant Tumors and non Cancerous cells known as Benign Tumors.

According to the National Cancer Institute, Brain Cancer can occur in about 22,000 new people every year and about 13,000 deaths are caused due to this disease.

Types of Brain Cancer

There are 2 types of Brain Cancer

  1. Primary Brain Cancer
    Primary Brain Cancer occurs in the Brain.
  2. Metastatic Brain Cancer
    This type of Brain Cancer starts in some other part of body then Brain and it finally moves to the Brain.

At this stage the Cancer cells develop in Lung and can spread due to Blood. the Tumors made by the Cancer Cells that spread to the other parts of body are known as Metastatic Tumors.

These Tumors are mostly named after the name of organ like Lung Cancer Tumors or Breast Cancer Tumors.

Stages of Brain Cancer

Following are the stages of Brain Cancer

Stage 1

At this stage the Tissue is Benign. These Cells are found near Brain Cells and they grow slowly.

Stage 2

The tissue is Malignant. The Cells look like normal cells as compare to the Cells in stage 1 of Tumor.

Stage 3

The Malignant tissues have cells, which are very different form normal cells. The abnormal cells grow very fast and they have strange appearance.

Stage 4

The tissues at this stage also have abnormal appearance and they grow very fast in the Brain.

Causes of Brain Cancer

Following are the causes of Brain Cancer

  • Primary Brain Tumor can occur from different types of Brain Tissues like Glial Cells, Astrocytes etc.
  • Metastatic Brain Cancer is caused by the spread of Tumor Cells from other parts to the Brain. The main causes of both the forms are still not clear.
  • The researchers found few risk factors for the Brain Cancer, which are as follows:
  • Job in an Oil refinery
  • People dealing with chemicals like Benzene including Chemists and Industry workers.
  • Heredity can be a cause of Brain Cancer for some families.
  • Smoking
  • Exposure to radiations
  • Viral Infections
  • HIV
  • Brain Cancer is not contagious.
  • There are no evidences that it can be caused due to the Cell phones.
  • Some researches claim that Brain Cancer can be caused due to the artificial sweeteners.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Following are the symptoms of Brain Cancer

  • Weakness
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Seizures
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry vision
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Change in Mental ability
  • Loss of memory
  • Loss of speech
  • Change in personality
  • Problems in Balancing or walking.
  • Muscle jerking.
  • Numbness in arms or legs.

These symptoms can also occur in the people, who are not suffering from this Cancer. These symptoms can not just predict this disease.

Cancer can occur in any part of the Brain of Brain including Occipital, Frontal, Parietal, Temporal Lobes, Brainstem or Meningeal Membranes.

Some Brain Cancer produces few or no symptoms.

Diagnosis of Brain Cancer

The initial tests include the medical history and the physical examination of a patient, by a doctor.

The results of these things will classify the need of tests and checkups.

The most common test used to detect the Brain Cancer is CT scan. This test is same as that of X-Ray and it is not painful.

Sometimes a dye is injected in to the body for the better detection and images of internal Brain structure.

Another test that is becoming popular due to its high detecting technique is MRI of the Brain. This test resembles to the X-ray but it gives better results than CT scan.

CT scan is more common than MRI.  If the results show the presence of Cancerous tissues then other doctors like Neurosurgeons and the Neurologists treat the patients.

Sometimes, Biopsy is also done to take the sample of the Tissue and it is then checked in the laboratory to find the exact type and stage of the Cancer.

Other Tests may Include

  • White Blood Cell Counts
  • Electrolytes
  • Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid

Treatment of Brain Cancer

The Brain specialists make the treatment plan for their patients and the treatment varies depending on the type, tumor size, patient’s age, patients condition and the location of the Cancer.

The treatment for Brain Cancer may involve

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hyperthermia
  • Immunotherapy

The treatment plan can also be combination of these therapies.

Surgery is used to remove the Tumor Cells by cutting them away from the normal cells of Brain.
Radiation surgery destroys the Cancerous cells by using the high-defined radiations. It is non-surgical procedure. The radiations can be Gamma rays or X-rays.

Chemotherapy destroys the Tumor cells by using chemicals or drugs that are made to destroy these types of Cancerous cells.

Hyperthermia is a heat treatment. Immunotherapy is type of therapy in which Immune cells are directed to kill the Cancerous cells.

Treatment plans constructed by the designed by scientists and doctors to prevent the disease is a way to treat the patients.

Main anatomical regions of the vertebrate brain

Image : wikimedia

Tumor BrainstemGlioma

Image by : wikipedia

Side Effects of Brain Cancer Treatment

Following are the side effects of treatment

  • Increase in the symptoms of this disease.
  • Damage to Brain
  • Brain swelling
  • Seizures
  • Weakness
  • Mental changes
  • Decrease in Brain control.
  • Nausea, vomiting, Hair loss, depression, susceptibility to infections and the loss of energy are the side effects of Chemotherapy.
  • Kidneys and reproductive organs can also be damaged from Chemotherapy.
  • Skin is affected due to Radiation therapy, Red spots appear on the different parts of Skin and hair loss can also occur.

These side effects decline with the passage of time.

Prognosis of Brain Cancer

The prognosis of Brain Cancer varies from 10% to 32%. It does not matter, which treatment is used. Recovery from Brain Cancer is possible but complete recovery is not possible sometimes. About 75% of children will survive more than 5 years because of severe disease. Without treatment, Brain Cancer can result in death with in short time.

Prevention of Brain Cancer

There is no specific way to prevent the Brain Cancer, Early diagnosis and the treatment of tumors can reduce the risk of Metastatic Brain Tumors.

Brain Cancer is 1 of the severe type of Cancers. If not treated well or in time, it can lead to death.

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Health Tips – Brain Cancer – Causes and Symptoms | Brain cancer Stories August 30, 2011 - 11:48 am

[…] the rest here: Health Tips – Brain Cancer – Causes and Symptoms This entry was posted in brain cancer and tagged brain, cells-grow. Bookmark the permalink. […]

Brain Cancer Treatment September 9, 2011 - 8:22 am

All brain tumors are not cancerous and but have many symptoms like Headache, Weakness, Clumsiness, Difficulty walking, Seizures.

Nice article and thank you for sharing with us…

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