Home » Best Foods for your Skin

Best Foods for your Skin

by Souti

If you are like most people, having nice looking skin is important to you. When you have clear and smooth skin, you feel more confident. The good news is that you don’t have to get an expensive facial each week to achieve beautiful skin. In fact, all you have to do is eat the right foods. Here are some of the best foods for your skin.


by:  St0rmz

by: St0rmz

Source by: Flickr

If you want your skin to look younger longer, you should start eating tomatoes. They contain lycopene, which helps get rid of free radicals that age your skin. Eating tomatoes will also prevent you from getting a sunburn. Try eating at least one tomato each day. For example, you can add a tomato slice to your sandwich.



by: mpieracci

Source: Flickr

Tuna is not only tasty; it is great for your skin. It is filled with selenium, which helps keep your skin smooth and young looking. This nutrient also prevents free radicals from damaging your skin and making you look older.



by : timsackton

Source : Flickr

There is no need to feel guilty eating chocolate because it is great for your skin. Dark chocolate contains flavonols, which helps make your skin look firmer and more luminous. If you eat just a couple of squares of chocolate a day, your skin will look so supple and beautiful.



by : redsea2006

Source: Flickr

Start your day with a pomegranate because it will give you the most beautiful glow. This fruit regulates your skin’s blood flow, which make your skin look rosy and healthy. You could also apply a pomegranate directly to your skin to help smooth lines and wrinkles.



by Pauline Mak

Source: Flickr

If you want to improve your skin’s elasticity, you should start eating more walnuts. They are loaded with copper, which helps increase collagen production. If you eat a handful of walnuts each day, your skin will be a lot smoother and softer.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans

by: James Bowe

Source: Flickr

Eat kidney beans to keep the blemishes away. They are filled with zinc, which helps kill blemish causing bacteria. If you eat kidney beans on a regular basis, you will have beautiful, clear skin.

If you eat these foods, your skin will look wonderful. Eat these foods while you are searching for beauty schools in Utah.

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Ivana May 13, 2013 - 2:34 pm

I am like most people! My face has been breaking out a lot lately and I think it is due to the lack of these foods in my diet. I need to start eating more dark chocolate!!! Thanks for the advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

Aaron Michael May 14, 2013 - 9:40 am

I have always been a chocoholic and this post makes me very happy!! I was unaware dark chocolate contains flavonols which are good for my complexion. My mother always used to say sugar and candy would make my face break out- guess she was wrong about my Hershey bars :-).

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