Home » 15 Beauty Tips for Women in their 30’s

15 Beauty Tips for Women in their 30’s

by Souti
Beauty Tips for Women

Saying goodbye to your fun-filled 20’s doesn’t mean you need to leave behind your youthful, carefree looks. Dig the resources around you to know about beauty tips for women in their 30’s. With these tips, you can easily retain your glowing complexion and energised body by fine-tuning your beauty and lifestyle routine. That means fewer nights sleeping with your make-up on and more time cleansing and grooming.

If you’re entering your 30’s you may have had or having babies. You’re likely to be working stressful jobs or managing a demanding household. Your skin may be showing signs of pigmentation and your body may be changing shape. With all that’s going on in your life, it’s a critical time to take care of you by looking after your skin and body more than before!

We’ve rounded up the top 15 beauty tips for women in their 30’s to keep you feeling healthy, well-nourished and as youthful as ever!

15 Beauty Tips For Women

1. Nourish Your Body:

Feed the body food that will make you feel energised and give you that glowing complexion. That means ditching the fast-food and getting your diet right for you. Fill your plate with colourful fruits and vegetables and quality protein, fat and carbs. After all, you are what you eat!

2. Cleanse Your Skin Twice:

At night, cleanse your skin twice. First to remove make-up and then to remove the grime and pollutants you’ve picked up during the day.

3. Invest In Eye Cream:

If you’re starting to see fine lines and wrinkles appearing, especially around the eye area using a quality eye cream is essential. This will not only help reduce the presence of fine lines but keep those dark under-eye circles away!

4. Shape Your Brows:

As you get older, the skin between the brows and eyes can tend to look saggy. Shaping your eyebrows will provide a definition and refine your facial features. Why not give the latest craze, feathering a go to achieve natural, beautiful brows?

5. Keep Hydrated:

Drinking water will help you replenish and hydrate your skin, and keep you energised throughout the day.

6. Find The Right Colour For You:

Your foundation and powder should serve as a highlighter for your best features and disguise those bits you’re not keen on showing. Unfortunately, choosing a colour off the shelf may not work best for you. Investing in a customised foundation will help you achieve a more natural look.

7. Protect Your Skin:

Wear a quality sunscreen daily to protect your skin from the UV rays. Too much exposure to the sun can cause pigmentation and promote the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

8. Ditch The Juicer, Love Your Blender:

Juices are often high in sugar and rob you of fibre. And while juice cleanses claim to do wonders for your skin and weight, they mess with your metabolism and rob you of nutrients. Instead, love your blender which will maintain all the fibre and goodness. Just watch how much sugary fruits you add!

9. De-stress Immediately:

Stress isn’t healthy for your mental or physical wellbeing. Find a way to de-stress immediately. That could be through meditation, exercise or embracing a hobby.

10. Look After Your Mind, Body, Soul:

Yoga is a great practice that will help look after your mind, body and soul. Beauty often comes from within and when you have all three components balanced, you’re more likely to look and feel radiant.

11. Feel Good in Your Skin:

Got to 30 and still don’t feel good in your skin? Why not do something about it? Feeling good for you might be getting your weight under control, improving your fitness or enhancing your body shape through treatments such as liposuction.

12. Get Some Shut-Eye:

A lack of sleep will make you feel and look unrefreshed and older than you really are. Achieve a solid 8 hours of quality sleep every night. No excuses!

13. Dry Brush Daily:

Improve your circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite by dry brushing every day. It will also help remove all those dead skin cells that are clogging up your pores and promote toxin elimination. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

14. Indulge Regularly:

Now by indulging, we don’t mean in wine and chocolate. We mean to indulge in restorative treatments that can help you feel more youthful and radiant. Go for a monthly massage or a facial. It’s not only going to help your skin, but it will also nourish your mind!

15. Look After Yourself:

As you age, looking after yourself is more important than ever. This not only means staying healthy, but it also means protecting yourself financially too. If you’re from the land down under, make sure you get the best health insurance in Australia as it can be one way to ensure you’re going to get the best health care in times of need and you won’t be left broke afterwards!

Featured Image by Pixabay

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