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10 Best and Worst Appetizers

by Ana

Appetizers are foods that are served before meal or in the time in between meals. They are also known as starters and can be simple or complex depending on the occasion. They are mostly Aperitifs and cocktails etc that are served before meal.

Following are some of the 10 best and the 10 worst Appetizers

10 Best Appetizers

  1. Vegetable Kabobs

    Grilled vegetable kabobs are very nutritious having low calories. They are good alternative to fried Onions. If not taking these Kabobs, you can also go for Grilled Vegetables as the Appetizer. These Kabobs are easy to be prepared. You can add Onions, Red and Green Peppers, Mushrooms and Tomatoes. To make your Kabob more delicious, you can add Low-fat Garlic or some Herb Marinade to it. 2 Kabobs of Vegetable may contain about 80 Calories in it.


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  2. Spinach Salad

    This is the 1 of the best Appetizers. It contains low calories; it is good to kill your hunger and reduces the amount of meal you eat. Salad those are prepared with Spinach and other leafy vegetables are good for health. Research shows that if you take a start with the salads, you will eat 10% less. 1 cup of Spinach with a tablespoon of Vinegar contains about 150 Calories in it.

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  3. Crab Cakes

    Crab Cakes are best appetizers among Sea foods. It is a good way to include sea food in your diet. It is also a healthy Appetizer. Crab Cakes taste good, if served with the delicious Chili Sauce and a normal Crab cake contains about 300 Calories, 16 Gram of Fat and 800 Milligram of Sodium.

    Crab Cakes

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  4. Beef Skewers

    If you want to opt for some Meaty Appetizer, you can take Beef Skewers. In Asian restaurants, this appetizer I given as Beef Satay served with the Peanut sauce. You can make this at home too.  You can grill the skewers of thin Beef with Onions, Garlic, Soy and Barbecue sauce at home. Crab cake of about quarter-pound contains 130 Calories, 5 Gram of Fat and 30 Milligram of Sodium.

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  5. Stuffed Mushrooms

    Stuffed Mushrooms are good instead of Potato. Mushrooms if filled with Cheese and Breadcrumbs contain less than 50 Calories. If you eat about half a dozen of Mushrooms, it is still less than 300 Calories. It also contains 19 Grams of Fat and 720 Milligram of Sodium.

    Stuffed Mushrooms

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  6. Shrimp Cocktail

    Shrimp Cocktail has low Fats and contains very less Calories.  It is also a good source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids that regulates the circulation of Blood in the body. It keeps the rate of Calories less and enjoys the Shrimps with the Tomato-based Sauce. Shrimp served with Cocktail contains about 120 Calories.

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  7. Vegetable Soup

    Vegetable Soup is also good to be used as an Appetizer. It kills your hunger with in less time. People should choose low-Calorie Vegetable Soup. About 12-Ounces of Vegetable soup contains 160 Calories, 3.5 Gram of Fats and 1,240 Milligram of Sodium. Try to avoid Cream-based vegetable soups. They mostly have high Calories and saturated Fats. If you are buying canned vegetable soup, try to buy the 1 that has low Sodium in it.

    Vegetable Soup

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  8. Edamame

    Even in Appetizers, you can try something different. Edamame are Green pods that are famous in the Asian hotels. It is really interesting to open the Green Pods and eat the Soybeans from them. 1 serving of Edamame contains about 122 Calories and 5 Grams of Fat.


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  9. Sliced Peppers With Salsa

    Try to avoid Chips and French Fries rather you can opt for sliced Peppers with Salsa. Cut the Red and Green Capsicum Peppers and eat them with the Salsa. It will taste delicious. This is the best way to add more vegetables into your diet. You can enjoy these Peppers as Chips and can easily stay within 50 Calories.

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  10. Lettuce Wraps

    If you want to eat spicy Chicken, try to avoid the Chicken wings and eat Lettuce wraps. You can easily make the Lettuce wraps at home. Add some Chicken and Vegetables in a Lettuce Leaf and wrap it. Single wrap of Lettuce may contain 160 Calories and 7 Gram of Fats. If you are ordering this Appetizer at a restaurant, try to share it with your other fellows. A plate of 4 Wraps contains 640 Calories, 28 Grams of Fat and 650 Milligram of Sodium.

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10 Worst Appetizers

  1. Chicken Wings

    Common Appetizer of Chicken wings may contain about 700 Calories and 40 Gram of Fat. Ranch sauce eaten with the Wings contains about 200 Calories and 20 Gram of Fat. It makes 900 Calories and 60 Grams of fat in total. It contains about 2,000 Milligrams of Sodium even before eating it.

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  2. Chili Cheese Nachos

    Nachos are 1 of the tasty Appetizer to have on evenings. They are among the least healthy Appetizers. They are loaded with a lot of Calories. If you eat one bowl of Chili Cheese Nachos, you will take 1,680 Calories, 108 Grams of Fat and 4,280 Milligram of Sodium. This amount of Sodium is 2 times more than suggested by the Nutritionist per day.

    Photo by joyce.cacalda

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  3. Mozzarella Sticks

    Mozzarella sticks are irresistibly fresh and tasty. They are rich in nutrition. A common order of Mozzarella sticks may contain 940 Calories, 46 Grams of Fat and 2,830 Milligram of Sodium, that makes the Mozzarella sticks as rich in Calories as Chicken wings.

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  4. Cheese Fries

    Blake marks this Appetizer as 1 of the worst appetizer taken with the meal. Some of Cheese fries have more Calories than the main course food. French Fries are coated with the melted Cheese to make these Cheese Fries. It may be served with the Bacon bits and the Ranch Sauce. A single pack of Cheese fries may contain about 2,100 Calories, 150 Gram of Fats and 2,300 Milligram of Sodium.

    Cheese Fries

    Image by : wikipedia

  5. Cheeseburger Sliders

    Cheese burgers include a lot of Calories in it. Most of the time, in the platter of Cheese burgers, there are 3 mini burgers along with sauce are available.  It may include 1,270 Calories, 81 Gram of Fats and 2,270 Milligram of Sodium.

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  6. Fried Calamari

    Like other sea foods, Squids are also very nutritious. When you make a sandwich in bread or you fry it, you are loading it with Calories and fats. Fried Calamari available at restaurants may contain about 9,000 Calories, 54 Grams of fat and 23,000 Milligrams of Sodium in it.

    Photo by : roboppy

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  7. Clam Chowder

    It is a healthy sea food. It is mostly made in cream based fats. 12 Ounce bowl of Clam Chowder contains 450 Calories, 34 Grams of fat and 1,190 Milligram of Sodium.

    Clam Chowder

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  8. Spinach Dip

    Spinach Artichoke dip is an unhealthy appetizer. It contains about 1,500 Calories, 100 Grams of fat and 2,500 Milligram of Sodium. When it is made in cream base, it gets loaded with the fats. When you make this starter at home, try to make it with the Yogurt.

    Photo by pesbo

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  9. Loaded Potatoes

    Loaded Potatoes are usually filled with the Cheese, meat, cream, which are very tempting and fattening. You can take just 1 loaded Potato as a starter having 150 Calories.

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  10. Onion Blossom

    It is a good starter for the vegetables lovers but if you fry it, the calories are doubled in this way. Onion Blossom served at the restaurants may contain 1,552 Calories, 83 Gram of fat and 5,508 Milligram of Sodium.

    Onion Blossom

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If you opt for healthy appetizers and avoid the bad one, you will be managing your Calorie intake well as per requirement.


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