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Arthritis – Chronic Disease of Bones – Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Arthritis

by Shilpa


On 10th March 2011 researchers says that a new protein molecule derived from growth factor progranulin provide treatment for the inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. The development of this protein in the body produces cytokines that control the level of cartilage. Appropriate level of cartilage prevents arthritis in the body. These protein molecules are secreted by the nervous system and other immune system of the body.
Arthritis is taken from a Greek word which means “joint” and its Latin meaning is “inflammation”. It affects the muscles and the skeleton system of the human body specially the joints. It becomes the main cause of disability in the people of over 55 years of age.

Arthritis is not a single disease. It covers other medical conditions.

Types of arthritis

There are more than hundred types of arthritis. Some are given below:

1. Osteoarthritis
It is a type of arthritis in which cartilage loses its elasticity. If the cartilage is stiff it damages easily. Cartilage functions as a shock absorber. When the cartilage is damaged the tendons and the ligaments are damaged too as a result it causes pain in the muscles and bones.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis
In this arthritis the muscle membrane is damaged and it causes swelling and pain. If this type of arthritis is not treated well it can cause deformity of bones. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than in men and it strikes the patient between the age of 40 to 60. Children and older people can also be affected by this disease.

3. Infectious arthritis
The infection in the synovial fluid or in the tissue of bone can be caused by a bacteria but it can also be caused by the viruses and other fungi. These bacteria, fungi are spread in the body through a blood and it infects the nearby tissues and the bones too. The people who had arthritis ever before in their life and those who have such virus in their body, they have the more chances of developing arthritis.

4. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
This is a type of arthritis that affects an individual of age 16 or less. The juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is of three types:

  • Pauciarticular JRA

It is the most common type. In this a child feels pain in up to 4 joints.

  • Polyarticular JRA

The affects of this arthritis are more severe and it gets worst with the passage of time.

  • Systematic JRA

It is the least common type of arthritis. It can spread to the distant organs of the body but it can be the most dangerous type of JRA.

Causes of arthritis

A joint where one bone is joined to another bone that joint is hold with the ligaments. These ligaments are elastic bands they keep bones at their place and the muscles contact and relax to make the joint move freely.

The cartilage allows the two bones not to rub with each other while moving. The covering of the cartilage helps the joint to move smoothly and painlessly.
There is a capsule that surrounds the joint. There is fluid in the joint known as synovial joint. This fluid is beneficial for beneficial for bones.

If an individual has the arthritis things go wrong with bones. The damage that is caused to the bones depends on the type of the arthritis. As a result of the arthritis the cartilage finishes due to infection and many other factors.

Symptoms of arthritis

The symptoms of arthritis takes time to develop but it get worse with the passage of time. These symptoms affect the joints of hip, knee, hands and spine, fingers, arms, legs, wrists, ankle, jaw, shoulder. Following are the symptoms of arthritis:

  • Pain in joints
  • Tenderness of joints when pressure applied
  • Stiffness of joints in the morning time
  • Loss of joint flexibility
  • Lumps may appear on the joints
  • Swelling of joints
  • Inflammation in joints
  • Redness of hands
  • Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Poor appetite
  • Anemia
  • Rashes on arms and legs
  • Neck stiffness
  • Lack of calcium
  • Discomfort
  • Fatigue
  • Deformation of bones

Diagnosis of arthritis

Arthritis can be diagnosed blood tests, physical tests. x- Rays and CT scan.

Treatment of arthritis

Treatment of arthritis consists of physical therapy, medications.

Physical therapy
Physical therapy is helpful to maintain the flexibility of the bones. There are many types of physical therapies. The type of physical therapy given to a patient depends on the type of arthritis an individual has. Different exercises are given to the patient that stabilize weaken joints. Exercise is an important part of arthritis therapy.

Medication for arthritis
NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, Salicylates, Glucocorticoids, Anti Malarials, Minocycline, and cyclosporine are the medicines that are used to cure the arthritis.

Diet impact on arthritis
Diet has an important impact on the arthritis. It provides you with nutrition and it also maintains the weight of the body because people start losing weight during arthritis.

Doctors advised patients to avoid eating fats, cream, red meat and cheese. Patients should eat plenty of vegetables, fruits etc.

Prevention of arthritis

The prevention of arthritis can seem very difficult but there are many ways that can prevent arthritis from occurring. The use of arthritis supplements (Glucosamine and Cetyl myristoleate) also helps to prevent the arthritis. These supplements can be found in the form of liquid, powder or pills.
The disease of arthritis can make one’s life very difficult but therapies can make life better. People with arthritis can go for medical health and treatment and there is no definite cure of arthritis but there are ways which can reduce the effects of arthritis. It affects the people in different ways patients may feel uncomfortable that they lose their grip. Being diagnosed with arthritis does not mean that you cannot live healthy life anymore. With some changes in life style the bad effects of arthritis can be removed.

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