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Pregnancy and Yoga Tips – Benefits of Yoga in Pregnancy

by Shilpa

Pregnancy And Yoga

Pregnancy yoga can energize the health of mother and the baby. Pregnancy yoga exercises are the ways for the mother to stretch and align the body. These exercises provide good health for the mother and baby. The mental and the physical growth of baby is improved by practicing yoga. Body undergoes many changes during pregnancy and it is very important to cope with these changes. Many women complain about laziness and fatigue during pregnancy. It solves many problems during pregnancy; it helps in the normal birth of the baby and restores the shape body very soon. It is perfect way to firm the body during and after pregnancy. It helps to gain strength and flexibility.

Different posture of yoga can be practiced during pregnancy but stretching is most beneficial. These yoga postures help to prevent the back pain which is experienced commonly during pregnancy. Practice the yoga postures which are prescribed by doctor.

Yoga tips during pregnancy

Following tips can be applied for yoga during pregnancy:

1. Experienced trainer
Always go to an experienced trainer during pregnancy who has the complete knowledge of yoga.

2. Sickness
Yoga helps to reduce the morning sickness, nausea and the mood swings as well.

3. Relief of pain
Practicing yoga can relief pain during pregnancy. It also helps in the relief of pain during the birth of the baby.

4. Peace and inner strength
Yoga gives peace and inner strength to pregnant women.

5. Important position of yoga
The most beneficial pose of yoga during pregnancy is Bidalasana. It relieves lower back pain, improves digestion, increases the blood circulation and provides sufficient space for the movement of baby.

6. Wrong position
Never try a wrong position of yoga; it can harm you and your baby.

7. Repositioning the baby
Yoga helps to reposition the baby if it is necessary.

8. Raise energy level
Yoga helps to raise the energy of the women’s body.

9. Release tension around birth canal
It helps to reduce the tension around birth canal.

10. Natural birth
It helps in the natural birth of the baby, prepares the pelvis for the natural child birth.

11. Meeting other pregnant women
If you take yoga classes during pregnancy you will have a chance to meet other pregnant ladies, to talk with them and discuss about the queries, different conditions and the confusions.

12. Reduction of stress
Yoga also helps to reduce the stress during pregnancy.

13. Improves digestive system
Yoga increases the rate of digestion in pregnant women.

14. Reduces gastric problems
Yoga helps to enhance the proper functioning of abdomen that reduces the gastric problems. Gastric problems are common during pregnancy.

15. Improves the immune system of the body
Immune system of women becomes weak during pregnancy. They easily catch the viral and the other diseases but practicing yoga during pregnancy can make the immune system strong and more defensive against diseases.

16. Breathing exercise
Yoga is a best source of breathing exercise. It helps in breathing easily, in taking long breathes which is highly required at the time of delivery.

Post delivery benefits

Yoga benefits after the delivery too.

1. It helps in shaping back the figure of women.

2. It maintains weight of the body.

3. Yoga also helps to make muscles strong.

4. Restore uterus, abdomen and the pelvis.

5. Relieves back pain.

6. Relieves breast discomfort.

So yoga gives peace of mind and body. Its life enhancing qualities is very beneficial for pregnant women. Yoga is a blessing for reducing complications during pregnancy and it is very helpful in copying with the pregnancy’s issues.

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lucy urayai August 15, 2011 - 3:39 am

i loved readin the benefits of yoga and excited to join the yoga class!

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