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How to Prevent Nose Bleeding

by Souti

Nose Bleeding

Epistaxis is commonly known as nose bleeding. When you inhale air it makes the nasal membranous lining very dry nose-bleeds1which then the bleeding happens. Sometimes even rubbing or picking the nose can also be the cause. Nose bleeding is also a symbol of bleeding disorder as well as high blood pressure. Here we have to point out various useful home remedies but for serious cases professional consultations are highly required.

•    If the bleeding occurs because of dryness then pour a pinch of salt in water & spray the mixture in your nose. It will be a great remedy for nasal dryness. It has the potential to reduce the nose bleeding.

•    Apple cider vinegar has also been found to be quite beneficial for treating nose bleeding. Plunge a cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar & gently keep it in your nostril. Also you can prepare a mixture of water (a glass) & apple cider vinegar (2 tsp). Thrice a day ingest the mixture. Vinegar has the potential to make your blood thick which can also help to stop bleeding.

•    Study revealed that lemon is an excellent source of antiseptic. Pour a few drops of lemon juice into your nostrils for treating the nose bleeding.

•    Lightly squeeze your nose (just the portion below the bones), while doing it always remember to keep your distance from tilting. Almost 3-5 minutes try to keep it on without any break. Remember to dodge blowing while squeezing your nose.

•    Place a wet towel on your head, it will help in stoping nose bleeding (through moisturising the membranous lining).

•    Drinking plenty of water can also reduce your nasal dryness.

•    Amla (Indian gooseberry) is an excellent source of vitamin C; therefore it’s a natural antioxidant. Pour a few drops of amla juice in your nose for some useful remedy.

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