Home » 6 Food for Healthy Sleep – Eat Good & Sleep Tight

6 Food for Healthy Sleep – Eat Good & Sleep Tight

by Souti

After day-long hectic work we all are very likely to have a sound sleep. However, in reality everybody is not quite fortunate enough to enjoy such sweet dreams. Most of us usually struggle to get a good sleep. Living in this fast paced society does not allow us to focus on our diet properly, however, to enjoy a nice sleep our regular diet should not be ignored.

Following is a small list of some healthy food options, which can provide you with a good-night sleep:


Chocolate Covered Cherry Cupcakes - Cherries 2
Cherries are also quite famous as a sleep regulator because of its ability to manipulate your body clock. It’s a rich source of melatonin, which is known as a hormone manufactured by the pineal gland in your brain.

Warm Milk



You might have already heard about this old belief from elderly people in your families, however, this is not at all a myth and is truly workable. A glass of warm milk before bed is filled with amino acids as well as tryptophan, which transforms into serotonin. It has the ability to provide a calming influence in your brain. Milk is also quite a popular option as a rich calcium provider.




Potassium along with magnesium is very popularly known as a natural muscle relaxant & banana is a rich supplier of both of these. So having a banana is really helpful in getting you a good night’s sleep.

Handful of Almond


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Mostly we like to have almonds after waking up in the morning, however, try this before going to sleep. Just like some other foods, this is also a rich provider of magnesium, which can help you to get some quality sleep time. Almonds are also quite effective in controlling your blood sugar levels during sleep.

Flax Seeds



Flaxseeds are a rich supplier of tryptophan as well as magnesium & omega 3 acids. As we all know tryptophan provide help in excruciating serotonin & magnesium and can be used as a muscle relaxant, omega 3 acids are also quite effective in lowering your depression as well as anxiety. So the combined effects of all these sources can fulfill your dream of a nice night’s sleep.

A Spoon Full of Honey



Specialists believe that a spoonful of honey is an effective option for getting a good night’s sleep. Presence of natural sugar in honey helps to expand the insulin level & let the tryptophan go into your brain, which can release some relaxing chemicals. Deficiency of glycogen in your liver during the night can also allow your body to release some stress hormones. Consumption of honey is really an effective option for storing glycogen.

These are a list of some foods which can help you to get a good night’s sleep. You can also add walnuts, sweet potatoes, etc. in this list too. However always remember that your consumption should finish at about 45 minutes before bed time.

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