Home » Fallopian Tube Blockage: Facts and Cures

Fallopian Tube Blockage: Facts and Cures

by Vinay M
Fallopian Tube Blockage

There are two skinny tubes situated on either side. Its helps the mature eggs to reach the uterus from the ovaries. When the egg gets obstructed during its travel through the tube, then women might be the victims of fallopian tube blockage, which is also popularly known as tube factor infertility. Among women suffering from infertility, 40 % could be attributed to fallopian tube blockage. This problem can appear on one tube or even on both the tubes.

Role of Blocked Fallopian Tubes in Infertility:

During the ovulation phase every month , the ovaries releases an egg. The egg reaches the uterus from the ovary by travelling through the fallopian tubes. From the cervix , the sperm travels towards the egg by swimming through it first and then through the uterus and finally through the tubes. During its travel through the tube it initiates fertilization.

When both or even one of the tubes is blocked, it prevents the egg from getting into the uterus & therefore sperm is not able to get to the egg. This whole situation cause infertility & obstructs pregnancy.

The ectopic or tubal pregnancy can happen, when the tube is blocked partially.

Indicators of Fallopian Tubes Blockage:

Though symptoms appear very rarely, in certain cases menstrual disorder can be the clue pointing to this ailment.

Although every patient does not display this sign, but sometimes a particular type of blockage known as hydrosalpinx could be the reason behind uncommon vaginal release or even pain in the lower abdomen.

When women are suffering from hydrosalpinx, blockage can cause an increase in the diameter, because of the fluid. This fluid by preventing sperms as well as eggs becomes the reason behind infertility.

There are some other signs of blocked fallopian tubes, like having painful intercourse, pelvic inflammatory ailment, endometriosis, painful period etc. However these are not always the main reason behind this blockage.

Factors Causing The Blockage:

  • Earlier ectopic pregnancy
  • Recently or any past incidents of contracting STD infection
  • Endometriosis
  • Earlier abdominal operation
  • Broken appendix
  • Pelvic inflammatory ailment
  • Past incident of uterine infection or miscarriage or abortion
  • Any earlier sickness or surgery connected with fallopian tubes

How The Blockage Can Be Detected:

HSG also known as hysterosalpingogram is a specialized x –ray, which is used to detect this problem. This process involves putting a dye (by using a skinny tube) into the cervix. Doctors can start taking the x-rays of pelvic surface, once the dye has been injected.

If everything is normal, then the dye will leave the uterus, pass through the tube & scatter in the area surrounding the ovaries and inside the pelvic cavity. When the dye get disrupted & is not able to pass through the tube, then you might have some problems.

Sometimes (around 15%) women gets false signal, where the dye was not able to reach the uterus.

The blockage usually happens where uterus & fallopian tube meets. If something like this appears, your doctor might ask you to do the test again or recommend some other tests like hysteroscopy (tiny camera passed through your cervix to get the picture of uterus), exploratory laparoscopic operation, ultrasound etc. Sometimes to check the level of chlamydia antibodies, blood test can also be recommended.

Cures and Workarounds For This Condition:

  • In single tube blockage cases, cure is not very tough. Complex mechanism is not the only option for it. Potent fertility medicines are usually prescribed by the doctors to increase the ovulation in the open fallopian tube.
  • Fertility drugs are not the way out, when both the tubes are blocked. To cure the problem, Laparoscopy is one of the most preferred ways for doctors. In this procedure, chances for success are high when the patient is young in age. This process either takes out the problematic tissue or cleans the blockage portion.
  • Another competent process is IVF. This procedure is the last option for couples, who want to be a parents.

Featured Image by: Open.Michigan

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