Home » Amazing Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Amazing Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

by Rabail

With Christmas well and truly over, it is time to start detoxing to shed the festive weight! But, just like dieting at any other time of the year, dieting after Christmas isn’t easy. There is still a bucket load of treats lying around the house, and they are almost impossible to resist. Yet, if you want to lose that Christmas weight you will have to resist. Also, you might want to try eating foods that induce weight loss. Yes, they do and exist, and no they are not a myth. In fact, here are a few examples for your information.

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Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


Okay, water is a drink and not food, but it is still a vital part of your diet. Drinking water helps you lose weight in a lot of ways, but the main one is that it makes you feel full. When you drink a lot of water, you fill your stomach with the liquid. As soon as that happens, the stomach thinks it is full. And, it stops sending impulses to the brain saying you need to eat. Cool trick, right? Honestly, after a couple of liters of water the thought of eating will make you feel sick! If you are still not sure, take a look at this Q&A in womenshealthmag.com. This has everything you need to know about water and weight loss.

probiotic yoghurt

Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotics come in various shapes and sizes, but yogurts are their main form. Why are probiotics good for weight loss? Well, according to the good people at GutSpace.com they contain lots of helpful bacteria. This bacterium is full of antioxidants that prevent you from putting on weight. So, even if they don’t help you lose weight, they will help you stay at a steady level. Then, you can concentrate on shedding the pounds you already know about, which is far easier. For more info on probiotics as a whole, you can check out the link to the website above.

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Image Credit:Wikimedia Commons


At some point, you are going to have to eat food that you might not like. For some people, broccoli is one of those foods! Still, it is full of fiber and fiber is a great addition to any weight loss diet. Much like drinking lots of water, fiber makes you feel fuller for longer. As a result, when you eat broccoli you don’t need to snack as much and take on unnecessary calories. And, let’s face it – snacking is never a good option.

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Image Credit:Wikimedia Commons


Cabbage has plenty of healthy qualities but one the best is that it is low in calories. In fact, it hardly has any calories whatsoever. So, the next time you feel the urge to snack you should try nibbling on a cabbage leaf to curb your craving. Yes, it might make you feel like a rabbit, but it will also help you lose that extra bit of timber.

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Image Credit:Wikimedia Commons


Do you like hot food? If you do you are in luck because hot foods like chilies are great for the metabolism. One of the ways to fight fat is to burn off burn as fast as possible, which is where your metabolism comes into play. The quicker your metabolism, the quicker you burn off energy and the less weight you gain. If you metabolism is notoriously slow, try eating chilies to speed up the process. The heat burns through food like a hot knife through butter!

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