Home » Affordable Digital Hearing Aids – Technology and Affordability to the Rescue

Affordable Digital Hearing Aids – Technology and Affordability to the Rescue

by Shilpa

Hearing is a disability that can come with ageing or as a result of some accident or benign tumors. On the other hand, many are born with a hearing disability. Whatever be the case, one shouldn’t live under the impression that he has lost all the joys of sounds, music and communication through the disability. Science and technology in the medical field have made such advances that hearing aids are available now to fix any hearing impairment to make it almost perfect. It is not just that, the more incredible fact is that this technology is now available at affordable prices too!


Early models of hearing aids were inefficient and cumbersome to deal with, as a result of which their use was discouraged. The digital hearing aids available today are a far cry from the older analog ones which were also expensive and unaffordable. They are now much smaller and available in a number of sizes, providing better sound quality. Each hearing aid comes with a microphone to receive sound waves, an amplifier that amplifies or magnifies the sound and a loud-speaker that delivers this amplified sound to the ear canal.

Types of Affordable Digital Hearing Aids

Broadly, the digital hearing aids can be classified based on their position and functioning.

  • BTE or Behind-the-Ear:


The hook of this type of hearing aid is meant to sit behind the ear with a connection to a miniature delivery device at the entrance of the ear canal. The two elements are connected by a thin tube running behind the ear. The BTE hearing aids are easy to adjust and clean and are most durable too, making them the best choice for children.

  • ITE or In-The-Ear:


These are customized digital hearing aids that are fit right in the area before the entrance to the ear canal. Since these are located outside of the ear canal, they pick up even perpetual soft sounds such as that of the winds in the background. While this could make the hearing quality slightly muddled, the ITE hearing aid is considered as a good choice because it is easy to fit and clean and has a longer battery life.

  • CIC or Completely-In-the-Canal

CICThese are internal hearing aids that are not visible outside the ear. Since they are located right inside the ear canal, external soft sounds such as those of the winds can be prevented, thereby avoiding clouded hearing. However, since these are smaller in size, the battery life is smaller and adjustments like volume control become difficult to make. Cleaning also becomes relatively difficult.

  • ITC or In-The-Canal:


This is again, a customized type that sits partially in the ear canal. It is a good mix between the ITE and the CTC varieties. In-the-Canal hearing aids come in small sizes which make them inconspicuous but at the same time, since these are partially externally fit, cleaning and making adjustments are easy.

Factors to keep in mind while purchasing affordable digital hearing aids:

  • Consult an audiologist:

It’s always advisable to get expert advice on the type of device that will suit your needs the best. The extent of your hearing impairment and your regular needs such as volume adjustments and cleaning become important factors while determining the type of hearing aid suitable for you.

  • Look over the internet:

As with most other things, the internet is the best place to buy affordable digital hearing aids. There is a wide variety available in different styles, sizes, makes, etc. and a lot of websites sell them with attractive discounts for your benefit.

  • Read up reviews:

Before purchasing any products blindly, it is advisable to read up reviews on the same as you can compare different brands for quality and prices and hence make an informed choice.

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