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Onycholysis – Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Ana

You may be suffering from a condition that is known as Onycholysis. It is a condition in which Nails Come out from the Nail Bed.

Here is the complete information about Onycholysis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and remedies.

Onycholysis Definition

Onycholysis is a common disorder that affects Nails. The condition is marked by splitting of Nail Bed, of the Finger, Toe, from the Nail Plate.

Normally, the Nail Plate remains attached to the Nail Bed but this condition loosen the Nail and it comes out from the Nail Bed.

The Nail starts taking appearance of Half-Moon and it begins to rise up like a Hood.

This disease can affect people of any age group, gender and origin. It is more common in Adults especially in Females.

It affects women more than men. People can see few cases of Onycholysis in children.


Image by : nlm.nih

Oncholysis is also known as the “Brittle Nails”.

The exact way of pronunciation of  Oncholysis is by spelling the condition as “Oni-Koh-Li-Sis”.

Symptoms of Oncholysis

Onycholysis is mainly determined by the detachment of the Nail Plate of Finger or Toe from the Nail Bed.

The Nail Plate is a hard thing that covers and secures the top pf the Figers and the Toes.

When the nail start coming out of the Nail Bed, the bulged part seems to be White and the Air is found between the Bed and the Nail.

Onycholysis of the Nails is a very painful and uncomfortable situation for the patients suffering from this disease.

The pain can be very severe in the case of an Infection.

An Onycholysis Nail can cause harm to the fingers and the Toes, it can also cause problem in Walking and Eating.

Nature of Onycholysis

Onycholsis if not treated, can become Infectious. With the passage of time, the Water, Keratin Debris, dirt and germs find their way under the Nail which ultimately invites Fungal, Bacterial or Yeast Infection.

The White Nail turns to Yellow or Creamy with the passage of time. In most of the cases Onycholsis causes Infection.

All these conditions can be avoided with the in time treatment. Unless treated in time, Onycholysis can cause Pus in the Nail Bed. It may release Pus from time to time. There will be pain in the entire region for a long time.

Causes of Onycholysis

There are many things that can give rise to Onycholysis. Some of the main causes of Onycholysis are given below:

  1. Trauma

    The imperfect manicure of the Nails can be a cause of Onycholysis. Over-trimming of Nails can damage the Nail Bed and can cause the lifting of Nail Plate.

    The Trauma of the Nails can be a main cause of Onycholysis.

  2. Pressure

    Wearing very tight Shoes make the feet sweat and put the Toe Nails under stress for a long time. This can also lead to the Onycholysis in the Toenails.

  3. Hyperactive Thyroid

    The excessive secretion of Thyroid Glands can also result in Onycholysis.

  4. Iron Deficiency

    The deficiency of Iron in the body can sometimes cause Onycholysis.

  5. Skin Diseases

    Skin problems like Eczema and Psoriasis can also be a cause of Onycholysis. The skin near the Nail and The Cuticle becomes dry and flaky in such conditions.

  6. Irritation

    The contact of the Skin to some irritating substance can give rise to the problems in the Nails.

    Some chemicals in the Nail Polishes can be Allergenic for the Skin and can produce harsh symptoms causing Nail to get separate from the Skin.

  7. Moistening

    In Onycholysis, the separation of Nail and the Nail Bed can occur due to very long exposure of the nearby Skin to Water.

  8. Medication

    Onycholysis can also be caused due to the side effects of some medicines. Small, White marks may appear on the Nails. The Chemotherapy medications, Tetraycline Drugs and other medicines containing Vitamin A are often found to cause this disease.

  9. Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is mostly the main cause of this disease. psorisis is a severe Skin disorder.

    When this disease affects the Skin of Fingers, Toes the nails are badly affected. At the later stages, the entire Nail can come out from the Bed.

The Onycholysis in Psoriatic Fingernails is quiet difficult to treat.

Diagnosis of Onycholsis

Onycholsis is diagnosed by physical observation and also by Lab observation.

An expert doctor diagnoses the disorder simply by looking at the Nails. In some cases, Lab tests are required.

A Dermatologist takes the sample of Debris from under the Nail and further takes the Fungal sample for KOH test.

KOH test helps in making urgent diagnosis of a Nail Infection in case of Onycholysis.

  • Avoid ruthless Chemicals

    Try to avoid the strong Chemicals and products that can cause irritation to the Skin and in the Nail Bed.

    If you feel that your Nail Polish is a factor, it is better to not to use that again.

    You can also use the Nail polish Remover to clean the spots of cosmetics from the Nail Plate.

  • Try to Keep Short Nails

    Keeping long Nails can make the Nails susceptible to Injuries. It is good to keep short Nails to avoid the Nail Trauma in future.

    Even if you do not have the Onycholysis Toe nail and the Fingernail, short Nails can help to this disease in the future.

  • Wear Loose Shoes

    Tight fitted Shoes can cause injuries to the Nails and make the Feet sweat. If you wear very tight shoes, switch to light, loose shoes provides the space of your Toes.

    In Onycholysis stress on the Nails should be avoided at every cost.

  • Avoid Water

    Onycholysis Yeast Infection often attacks people who stay in Water for a long time.

    If it is not possible for you to stay out from Water for long, use Skin- drying agents like Castellani’s Paint. Apply this agent around the Nails in Fingers and Toes to prevent Infection.

    In home treatment of Onycholysis are helpful to get rid of these conditions. These home treatments should be accompanied with the Professional Medical Assistance too. It is better to consult a doctor for the further treatment.

Onycholysis and Thyroid Disease

Many things can give rise to Onycholysis and Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism. It is mostly found to be the hidden causes of Onycholysis.

These disorders make the Nail brittle and cause the separation of the Plate from the Nail Bed.

If you have the Onycholysis or anyone else has this disease. It is best to carry out the treatment at the initial stages. Early treatment will help faster recovery and helps to prevent the future complications.

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