Home » Fish Oil : A detailed study

Fish Oil : A detailed study

by Souti

Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) & docosahexaenoic (DHA) are two most important contents (fatty acids) of fish oil. Plant contents like flax seeds will enrich your body with Omega 3. But it is up to the body to convert that into EFA and DHA. This conversion process is quite taxing for some persons specially aged ones. Fish oil however provides our body with the necessary EPA and DHA in a form that can be easily ingested.

Fish Oil:

Usually fish oil originate from oily or fatty fish (like, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardine, trout etc.). A single fillet can contain almost 30% of oil, which might vary from one fish to another.

There are mixed opinions about the usefulness of dietary consumption of fish oil, however health experts around the world advice people to intake fish oil in any form.

Sometimes people confuse fish oil with cod liver oil.Cod liver oil strictly comes from cod fish’s liver ,on the other hand fish oil solely comes from the tissues of oily sea fishes.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: What are They?

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Image by : Health Gauge

These fatty acids usually originate from the sea as well as from plants. There are 2 types of fatty acids.

EPA  (Eicosapentaenoic Acid):

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When people consider omega-3 fatty acid, they usually mean EPA, which takes part in inflammation as well as blood clotting. Fishes normally do not manufacture EPA.They generally get it from algae which they consume as food.

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA):

This fatty acid is an important content of human brain (cerebral cortex), eyes (retina) & sperm. Breast milk is a rich supplier of DHA. Nearly forty percent of all poly saturated fatty acids found in the human brain contains DHA. Fifty percent of the weight of the plasma membrane of the neuron is DHA and poly saturated fatty acids in retina has sixty percent DHA content.

Fish Oil Supplements : Are They Good For Heart?

fish oil suppliment

Image by : YuMaNuMa

There are mixed outcomes about its heart related benefits. In a study conducted in 2011 (by Michigan Technological University), researchers believed that by lowering the level of triglyceride fish oil can enhance the blood flow. They also said that fish oil has the ability to stall the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.

However in some separate findings (involving 70,000 people), no such prominent signs of lowering the risk of heart related diseases were revealed.

Fish oil also has the ability to counter the presence of stents in people’s arteries. It has been found that people having stents in their arteries and taking two blood thinning drugs and omega 3 fatty acids have a lesser probability of suffering a heart attack than people do not take fish oil.

Japanese People and Fish Oil:

Image by : Miguel Romay

According to the study conducted by University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, Japanese people experience much less heart ailments than people from various developed countries like Western Europe, Canada, America etc. &presence of omega -3 fatty acids rich fish in the Japanese diet as one of the main factors.

Some other benefits of fish oil are, as follows:

MS(Multiple Sclerosis):

Fish oil is known for its ability to lower the risk of multiple sclerosis. Nevertheless a study conducted by the University Hospital in Bergen, Norway showed that omega-3 fatty acids are not that helpful for people suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Prostate Cancer& Fish Oil:

Prostate Cancer

Image by : The Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovations

According to a study, fish oil is also very useful in lowering the risk of prostate cancer. On the other hand as per Journal of the National Cancer Institute excess consumption of fish oil can enhance the chances of prostate cancer by almost 71%.

Effective For Countering Post-natal Depression:

Dr. Michelle Price Judge (University of Connecticut School of Nursing) believed that consumption of DHA when you are expecting can lower the signs of post natal depression.

Improves Mental Health:

Mental Health

Image by : Kevin Simmons

In 2007 a pilot study revealed that fish oil could also provide help to young people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as well as behavioral problems.

A study conducted for almost eight weeks revealed that kids who consume almost about sixteen grams of DHA as well as EPA regularly, exhibit considerable achievements in their problematic areas.

Boosts up Memory:

Among healthy young adults, intake of omega-3 fatty acids is useful for enhancing their memory, however the outcome is not that impressive for aged population.

 Effective for Alzheimer’s:

Alzhimer Day

Image by : HAMZA BUTT

According to a study (published in Neurology) consumption of omega-3 oils, veggies, fruits can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s & dementia. However a study in 2010 said that for averting Alzheimer’s it’s not quite the better option when compared with placebo.

Vision Loss Protection:

A study published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual shows that taking DHA on a regular basis provides protection from vision loss, which is also age related.

Lowering The Risk of Epilepsy:

Lowering The Risk of Epilepsy

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Another research (disclosed in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry in 2014) said that regular consuming ofomega-3 fish oil in lower doses can reduce the appearance of seizure. However according to UCLA(University of California-Los Angeles) School of Medicine, its only effective on people who do not react to medicines.

Disorders Like Psychotic Behavior & Schizophrenia:

Psychotic Behavior & Schizophrenia

Image by : JustCallMe_♥Bethy♥_

Omega-3 fatty acids content in fish oil can also effectively lower the chances of psychosis. Another study disclosed (published in Nature Communications) that almost twelve weeks of consumption of supplements rich in Omega-3 can significantly lower the chances of psychotic ailments.

Useful For Unborn Baby/Fetus:

Useful For Unborn Baby/Fetus

Image by : kambodza

Scientists declared in 2008, that if an expecting mother start having omega-3 in those last three months, then it can boost up her unborn baby’s motor, cognitive & sensory skills.

Featured Image by : Pixabay

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