Home » Avoiding America’s Drug Abuse Epidemic With Safer Alternatives

Avoiding America’s Drug Abuse Epidemic With Safer Alternatives

by Shilpa

According to recent statistics, more and more Americans have begun to complain about chronic pain. Although there are numerous ways to combat pain, the mass majority of Americans will take the easy way out and utilize some type of pharmaceutical pain reliever. The Mayo Clinic recently released a study, which concluded that nearly 70% of the American population consumed one or more pharmaceutical drugs on a daily basis. Painkillers and antidepressants ranked near the top of the list. Suffice to say, it is common knowledge within the United States that America has a drug epidemic on its hands. The pharmaceutical companies are raking in the cash, while the politicians are making it even easier for these individuals to market their products to the public.

Could alternatives be safer and less addictive?

The Problems

When it comes down to it, many people scoff at the idea of becoming an addict, until it is too late. The truth of the matter is that nobody is invulnerable. An injury could result in devastating pain, which could require painkillers to treat. Utilizing painkillers for any duration of time could lead directly to an addiction and the problem will spiral out of control, when your primary physician decides to end your prescription.


Too Often Prescribed

Doctors should also be blamed for their inability to help rectify America’s drug epidemic. These professionals are partly to blame for the problem. As chronic pain has become much more common, doctors have opted to take the easiest course possible and this is to prescribe medication to their patients. Unfortunately, not everyone needs an excessively strong painkiller and this only elevates the risks for addiction. Some pain can be overcome with exercise and alternative medicines.

The Euphoric Feeling

Another reason for the addiction epidemic is the euphoric feeling, which can be acquiring from abusing pain relievers. Many individuals, who experience no pain whatsoever, turn to prescription medication as a way to experience a high. These drugs can undeniably affect the mind and they do provide the user with a feeling of calm and relaxation. Although the abuse may begin as casual or recreational, it will eventually develop into something far worse.

Dangerous Side Effects Of Painkillers

Although addiction is the most obvious side effect of painkillers, it is essential to consider the physical damages. All prescription medications can cause some unwanted side effects, such as diarrhea, depression, and heart palpitations. Using the medications for a long duration can result in liver damage, memory problems, and even edema. And finally, an addiction can easily result in an overdose. The side effects and risks will continue to swell as the addiction is carried on for a longer duration. Therefore, it should be obvious that an alternative is needed. For some, that alternative may be PEA or Normast.

Introducing Palmidrol (Palmitoylethanolamide)

Although the mass majority of Americans have never heard of it, Palmidrol or palmitoylethanolamide has been used for the past 40 years or so. It has been used to combat inflammation and chronic pain. Extensive research has been carried out regarding this specific medication, its benefits, and its risks. To date, the studies have concluded that the medication is thoroughly beneficial and the risks are minor. In fact, most experts will agree that addiction to PEA is nonexistent.

As A Supplement

The original manufacturer of Palmidrol has long stopped manufacturing the medication and thus many people believe it is difficult to get their hands on Palmidrol. Although it may be easier to obtain a prescription for a deadly pain reliever from your local doctor, obtaining Palmidrol isn’t too difficult. In fact, the chemical is commonly found in many supplements. Today, Palmidrol can be obtained through various forms of supplements, including skin creams, tablets, and even powders. The most common and arguably the most effective is PeaCure.

Such supplements can be purchased directly over the Internet. Since there is no need for a prescription, the supplement is easily obtainable and far cheaper than the prescription alternatives. And it should be noted that supplements, which contain Palmidrol, are capable of providing the same benefits of prescription pain relievers, without all of the negatives. They’re safe, reliable, and do not pose any addiction risk whatsoever.

What It Can Treat

When it comes down to it, Palmidrol can be utilized to treat a handful of ailments. It can diminish acute and chronic inflammation. Alternatively, it can also be used to eliminate neuropathic and chronic pain. The best aspect of all is that you won’t have to worry about becoming addicted to the medication with repeated use. Just remember to use the medication as instructed and never consume too much.


Although America is overflowing with drugs, you don’t have to become a statistic. Stay away from prescription drugs and you won’t become addicted. If you’re suffering from inflammation or chronic pain, you should stick with a safer alternative, such as Palmidrol!

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