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Cosmetic Procedure Trends among Ethnic Groups

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ASPS, American Society of Plastic Surgeons released a report on 25th March, 2009, regarding the increase and decrease in cosmetic procedures among different ethnic groups living in USA. According to their statistics, ethnic cosmetic procedures increased by 11 % in the year 2008, where as such procedures among Hispanics increased by 18 %. A decrease by 2 % was recorded among Caucasians.

According to the detailed statistics, a total of 12 million cosmetic plastic surgeries were performed in the year 2008 in USA. Almost 1.3 million surgeries were undergone by Hispanics, comprising 10 % of the total number.

African American covered 8 %, with approximately 910,000 procedures. Cosmetic procedures undergone by Asian patients amounted to 7 %, with 866,000 surgeries.

These statistics show that even there is a big economic crisis faced not only by countries but by every individual also, the rate of cosmetic procedures has not decreased among ethnic groups which live in USA. Except Caucasians, other ethnic sets have shown a great amount of increase in such expensive cosmetic procedures in the year 2008.

Mostly, the requested beautifying procedures by every set of ethnic groups are minimally invasive ones, including chemical peeling; inject able fillers; facial rejuvenation and Botox etc.

These procedures amounted to be 5 % of total cosmetic procedures in 2008. One such example is of Mexican-American Raquel Laurent a 41 years old woman. She underwent a light laser skin resurfacing and inject able fillers to enhance her beauty and freshen up her looks. She said, “I’m more willing to invest in something that lasts many months compared to say a vacation. How you look and feel is important, no matter what your ethnicity.”

An ASPS Member Surgeon Tripti Burt expressed her vision, “Laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels can provide tremendous results when done by a board-certified plastic surgeon familiar with ethnic skin.”

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons was founded in 1931. It is the largest association consisting of board certified plastic surgeons in the world. It is considered as the principal authority and major source of knowledge and information on cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.

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