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Smart Lipo

by Ana

Almost every woman and man desire to feel and look better but regardless to enormous working out and losing weight, fat of some areas of the body becomes too difficult to reduce and this is where smart Lipo treatment can help you out.

In smart Lipo treatment a laser is used to melt away unwanted fat of the body. The smart Lipo laser is widely used and it is considered quite effective and safe. The treatment is offered in a special smart Lipo theatre and the procedure is carried out under sterile conditions. It is, indeed, a simple way of removing unwanted fat of the body. The treatment is plainly all-encompassing and help a lot give body a good shape without any latent side effect. In other words or to be more exact in layman term smart Lipo is just a ‘laser liposuction’ but this procedure is much safer than the traditional liposuction. The laser energy works together with the skin that causes in proper skin tightening and shrinkage and this is the very reason that makes smart lipo a better treatment than the other available treatments.

Laser lipolysis works in the following manner in smart lipo. A local anesthetic in infiltrated in the area of fat to be removed and then a fine (1mm) laser probe is then directly inserted in that area. The laser beam is guided in the whole area and the melted fat is warped up lymphatic system and then excreted.

Liposuction is quite more expensive than Smart Lipo lipolysis, not only in terms of money but also in terms of trauma. Many Doctors have recommended that Smart Lipo is safe and offers simply amazing results.

The time of treatment depends upon the area or areas that need LipoSmart. It takes up to 1-2 hrs for a single treatment and most of the time it provides good results but in a small number of patients, the second treatment is also required sometimes.

A little bruising swelling or pain is often felt by the patient after treatment. The patient is asked to use a compression garment for 1-2 weeks after Smartlipo and most of them can start their routine normal activities even one day after the treatment.

Smartlipo is no doubt , an easy, safe and effective way of getting rid of the unwanted fat deposits in different areas of the body and it provides remarkably good results in very short span of time.

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