Home » facial regeneration treatment » Plasma Skin Regeneration: A New Non-Surgical Option

Plasma Skin Regeneration: A New Non-Surgical Option

by Kamal Salar

Many people around the world want to get rid of the fine lines and wrinkles under their eyes. People also need solutions to sun damage and unrelenting scars without laser resurfacing. “Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration”, is an incredible new cosmetic dermatological alternative for removing the blemished, baggy, or blotchy skin. This new resurfacing and rejuvenating treatment has provided a non-surgical option to obtain the best results.Among the various aesthetic treatments, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and skin tightening around the eyes and the removal of excess tissue of the upper eyelid are in vogue. Blepharoplasty, the eyelid surgery, is a no longer only option available to people seeking a more young look and cure sagging, droopy eye lids, wrinkles and puffiness.

Dr. Brian Biesman, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of ‘Nashville Centre for Laser and Facial Surgery’ in Nashville, Tennessee offer combination of various cosmetic treatments to reap maximum benefits from their treatment. Such combinations generally include blepharoplasty, Portrait Plasma, a novel plasma skin regeneration technology, and injectables such as Botox and fillers.

‘Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration’, has a resurfacing and rejuvenating effect as the treated area experiences incredible collagen and elastin regeneration. The new, healthy tissue eventually replaces the wrinkled, damaged tissue. It delivers dramatic results without involving the risks and time consumption associated with the conventional laser procedures. The thermal energy released into the skin during a ‘Portrait Plasma’ treatment is homogeneously absorbed, eventually replacing the wrinkled, damaged tissue with a new healthy tissue. It also offers an effective treatment for the sun damage, pre-cancerous lesions and dyschromia.

A full facial regeneration treatment can be accomplished in just 30 minutes and can be availed with the comfort of time and place. It’s a relatively pain free treatment, with only a topical anesthetic applied to the face before the procedure begins. It provides striking and revitalizing effects to the skin by scars and sunspots diminishing, wrinkles and fine lines filling in, and saggy skin regaining its supple tone.

Rhytec develops innovative plasma technologies based on sound scientific and clinical research for the dermatological, plastic and cosmetic surgery markets. Plasma energy stimulates a true, natural skin regenerative process that is supported by over 30 completed and ongoing clinical trials. Founded in 2004, Rhytec works with leading dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and cosmetic physicians to develop new technologies that enhance the skin’s appearance and function, improving the quality of life for patients seeking treatment.

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