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Health And Safety At Work: What You Need To Know

by Shilpa

Everyone who is employed in the UK has certain rights at work protected under UK law. Thanks to the Health and Safety in the workplace act of 1974, these rights have been standardised and protected, making workplaces safer for everyone and reducing the numbers of accidents.

The whole aim of the legislation is to keep you safe while you work. However, there are some things that you need to know in order for the laws to work best for you. These come under certain categories including what your employer must do for you, your own responsibilities and what to do if there is a problem.

by D.Clow - Maryland

by D.Clow – Maryland

Image Source: Flickr

What employers have to do for you?

 They must carry out a risk assessment of any job and decide what risks it might pose to you. They then need to explain these risks to you fully. They will need to consult with the workplace health and safety representative and make sure all laws are being adhered to correctly.

Employers are legally obliged to provide you with any health and safety equipment you might need free of charge and make sure it is in good condition. There are other basic rights that they need to provide, including toilets and washing facilities, drinking water and first aid.

Most importantly, they need to have insurance that covers you against injury at work. You need to have a copy of this in your contract or there needs to be one you can access.

What you must do?

 Follow any training that you have been given and take reasonable care of your safety and that of others. Co-operate with your employer to ensure high standards of safety and if you are unsure, always tell someone at the first available opportunity. Keeping quiet or moaning to colleagues doesn’t help anyone.

What if there is a problem?

 Consult your health and safety representative and then seek help externally if there is a problem. If you are injured at work then you may also be entitled to compensation and should contact reputable firms like Injury Lawyers 4U who may be able to advise you on your next step. If an accident has been caused as a result of poor health and safety training or practices then this may count as negligence on the part of your employer.

Claiming compensation for any grievances will therefore give you the financial recompense you deserve and highlight the need to tighten the health and safety procedures currently in place where you work.

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