Home » Fruits and Diabetes

Fruits and Diabetes

by Vinay M

A Guide to Fruits for Diabetic Patients:

Fruits and Diabetes

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People who are suffering from diabetes, have various issues when it comes to a well-balanced diet. It happens because of the sugar absorption in our bodies. Various foods including fruits have distinct absorption scales.

In the current day and age diabetes is a kind of a regular ailment, which can be found among children & adults worldwide. If this goes beyond control, then it could lead to diseases like blindness or kidney ailments or even heart diseases too. Wrong diet can increase your risk of various other chronic diseases too.

Having any type of food in a moderate quantities could be a healthy diet, nevertheless a few foods contains so much of carbohydrate that it could be difficult to have them even in moderate portions.

Few guides as follows:

In the current day there is a trend to grow bigger fruits, which in turn will mean that it will contain more carbohydrates in every serving. People suffering from diabetes must make sure that their carbohydrate consumption is moderate.

Though fruits juices can provide you with some nutrients, however minus fiber, juices are not as much nutrient as any whole fruit. On the other hand in can easily increase your blood sugar level.

Diabetics need to stay away from fruits like plums, oranges, papaya, peach, grape fruit, bananas, strawberries etc.

Though dry fruits are rich suppliers of minerals, vitamins, fiber & carbohydrates & low supplier of sodium as well as fat. However they have tendency of providing carbs, which are heavier that veggies.

Diabetes patients should not consume Fruits (canned) which have sugar syrup for example applesauce, which is sweetened, drinks like, fruit drinks, fruit punch etc.

As we all know fruit is a great supplier of potassium, minerals, and vitamins like C etc. However when it comes in a dried form, their nutrients get concentrated, which leads to concentration of sugar content too.

Be careful about your portion, because two tablespoons of dried cherries or even raisins can provide almost 15 grams of carbohydrate.

When you are going for the plate technique, then go for fruit salad (half cup) or a small portion of whole fruit.

Most of the fruits contain low GI (glycemic index), since they have good quantity fiber as well as fructose content. However fruits like pineapple or melon contain medium level of GI similar to foods like sweetened cranberries, raisins , dates etc. If you are using the glycemic Index to determined what to eat and what not to eat then , fruits are a real option.

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Fruits which are fresh or canned but not containing any added sugar or just plain frozen fruits or apple sauce, which have no added sugar, could be good option for diabetic people.

According to American Diabetes Association fruits need to be a part of the diet of people suffering from diabetes. Just make sure like your carbs content you need to keep an eye on portion sizes too.

Vitamin K and Fiber Rich Pears:

Vitamin K and Fiber Rich Pears

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For people with diabetes pears could be a great addition in their meal plan. They can be preserved at normal room temperature, till they get ripe & ideal for consumption. However you can store them in your refrigerator too. Cut them in small slices & add in your spinach salad. It could be a nice mouthwatering as well as a healthy treat (rich in fiber & vitamin K) for you.

For Controlling Inflammation – Tart Cherries:

For Controlling Inflammation – Tart Cherries

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They are rich in antioxidants (helps in fighting cancer, heart ailments etc.) & are able to avert inflammation too. You can get this fruit in a frozen form or canned or even fresh. Make sure you are checking the label before adding sugar.

Rich Source of Antioxidants – Berries:

Rich Source of Antioxidants - Berries

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Berries are considered as a super food for diabetic people, because of their fiber, vitamins, antioxidants as well as low GI content. You can make a great dessert by adding plain non-fat yogurt with them.

Peaches As Generous Suppliers of Potassium:

Peaches As Generous Suppliers of Potassium

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For getting a fruity twist, adding peaches in your ice tea could be a great option. It provides a great relief for the scorching summer. You can also add small pieces of peaches into your favorite buttermilk too. For making it more mouthwatering add some ice (crushed) & a pinch of cinnamon powder.

Vitamin C Rich Oranges:

Vitamin C Rich Oranges

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Oranges are low in GI & full of vitamin C, potassium & folate. It is able to regularize your blood pressure level too. It’s a great choice for people with diabetes.

Fiber Rich Apricot:

Fiber Rich Apricot

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One apricot usually contain just four grams of carbohydrates. It is an extraordinary supplier of fiber also. You can also mix them in salad or add small slices in your cereal to make it tasty too.

Kiwis – Low Carbohydrate Content:

Kiwis – Low Carbohydrate Content

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One large sized kiwi only provides 13 grams of carbohydrates. It’s a great provider of vitamin C, fiber & potassium. You can get this fruit almost in every season, so it could be a nice addition in your diabetic meal.

Apples As Rich Suppliers of Vitamins:

Reducing Your Risk of Diabetes

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We are all aware of the phrase that having an apple a day can keep your doctor away. Make sure you are buying small sized ones. It is a great source of vitamin C & fiber also. Make sure you are not peeling your apples, because the skin is considered as the most nutrient rich part.

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