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Diabetes – Causes, Symptoms, Precautions and Treatments

by Kamal Salar
what is Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that affects an increasingly large number of people nowadays. There are numerous people officially registered at diabetes centers from all over the world.

What is Diabetes?

The effects of this disease are, however of the most diverse and they may vary from minor glycemia problems to other glycemia dysfunctions that can also lead to the death of the patient in the gravest cases. There are numerous treatments for this disease but this, however, has not reduced the overall number of people affected by diabetes. Researchers are still trying to prevent its causes but most of the times people get diabetes caused by stress and by a disordered rhythm of life. And this is very difficult to control by medical methods.


One of the most important causes that lead to diabetes is the disordered nutrition system. This unhealthy nutrition regime includes abuses of many kinds: abuse of sweets and foods that include a lot of sugar, abuse of bread which also includes ingredients that contribute to raising the glycemia level and also the abuse of fat-rich foods that also leads to high cholesterol problems. Actually high glycemia and high cholesterol usually go hand in hand, as people who suffer from one are most likely to suffer from the other as well. High glycemia is hence, the main cause of diabetes. People are advised to check their glycemia for medical analyses at least twice a year.

The other cause which does not depend on the glycemic level at all is stress. High stress leads to high glycemia on a nervous, psychical basis.

The two main causes have the same level of gravity and of intensity. They must, however, be taken into consideration by anyone, as nothing is more important than health. These numerous causes are very serious but at the same time, they are controllable as well. That means people have the power of controlling their daily diets and alimentation. For this, the need for an education system regarding a healthy life is vital to be done.


There are some important symptoms that alert high glycemia and further on, the presence of diabetes in an organism. Among these symptoms, the most common and obvious are the change of metabolism and the reduction of saliva in the person’s mouth. Among the symptoms, there is also a great appetite for sugar and for sweet aliments. The modification of metabolism reflects at the beginning an important loss of weight and later on, there comes instability in the weight of the patient. People suffering from diabetes cannot easily maintain their standard weight. In advanced forms of diabetes, people modify their weight considerably.

Regarding the reduction of saliva that most patients suffering from diabetes present, this symptom is one of the earliest ones to appear. This signals high glycemia from the very beginning of the installation of diabetes. People suffering from diabetes often feel their mouth dry especially during the night and have the need of drinking many liquids.
Also, the increased appetite for sugar and sweets is a notable symptom of diabetes, as it reflects the difficulty of saturating organism with sugar. Actually, this appetite is only a sensation that some people suffering in an advanced stage of diabetes solve by injecting insulin regularly into their bodies.


There are many precautionary measures that one can take in order to avoid diabetes. One important precaution is special attention to one’s daily diet and nutritional system. By having a balanced alimentary regime people can easily avoid diabetes and many other diseases that can derive from bad alimentation.

People are also advised to have a lot of physical exercises, as studies have shown that the ones who practice sports are less threatened by the risk of getting diabetes. This disease is characteristic of sedentary people. The lack of physical activity can easily lead to diabetes.

By a healthy diet and by physical workout people can hence avoid getting diabetes. Also, people are advised to take their medical tests at least twice a year in order to become aware of the eventual problems that they may have up to that certain point.


There are numerous treatments found for diabetes so far. The pills taken for lowering the glycemia level are the most common treatment. They are used by people suffering from diabetes at an early stage of the disease. The pills can be usual ones that can be found in all the pharmacies, or naturist pills, the ones based on natural ingredients only. These pills are said to lower the level of glycemia from the patient’s blood. That is why they must be administrated and taken by respecting a strict schedule.

Another common treatment for diabetes is insulin. This substance is usually injected into the organism and people who are prescribed insulin are usually suffering from an advanced form of diabetes. Insulin is prescribed when the glycemia level has reached a dangerous point. Another method of administrating insulin is the plaster method. There are special plasters in pharmacies that contain the necessary dose of insulin for a certain amount of time. Some people use plasters instead of the injection method since the plaster method has become very popular and so easy to use.

Related best health centers around the world:

There are numerous health centers for diabetes around the world. People are continually researching in the domain of this disease, as their danger of getting it is increasing with every day. The main reason for that is the bad alimentation completed by other important reasons.

Diabetes is hence, a grave but treatable disease. That is why there have been created numerous help centers for people suffering from diabetes. All these health centers come to the aid of the National Centre of Aid for Diabetes in each country which has the function of monitoring the cases of diabetes from a certain country. This National Centre also holds a statistic of the number of people suffering from diabetes at a certain moment.

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girips313 March 4, 2008 - 12:29 pm

please update me regarding diabetes precautions news regularly.


Prakash Giri

Saeed khan November 24, 2008 - 12:16 pm

I am searching for precautions that save my life from diabetes

gmsabir April 22, 2009 - 1:38 pm

PLs gve us complete details of Diabetes like Precaution, DIet Chart, & exercise doing during diabetes.

iamvictoria August 10, 2009 - 7:45 pm

pls. help me be guided accordingly on the early stage of recovery from diabetes, precautions and all. and regarding hoe it affects me when i’m wounded.

qamruzzaman ansari September 6, 2009 - 1:19 am

please provide some information to control glucise level ,suggest daily diet , daily life style

simran January 9, 2010 - 9:22 am

my mom recently know after urine test that she is diabetec patient her age is near about 58 in her test 3 signs of plus i.e(+++) is given plz give advice i m single daughter of my parents n i love my mom alot i will wait for ur reply

gursheen kohli April 19, 2010 - 11:07 am

my dad is a diabitic patient he eats sweets he drinks neem wates does it cure diabities what re the ways to reduce diabeties can u mail me sir please

Sandeep April 24, 2010 - 8:56 am

my father (54 Years, healthy body) recently met with first heart attack it was really dangrous. symptoms were pain in left side of cheast. timelly treatment was provided.following test were done as ECG, TMT, echo test, angiography. but everything found normal.Doctor said that there was some blockage but has removed.after the treatment doctor has gone for the Sugar (Diabetes) Test and doctor has said that my father suffered with diabetes. but no medication has provided. after some time it was felt that heart beat has increased and feeling of fear, now after some days the same problem of fear & increase of heart beat. consulted ith doctor adviced that only because of Diabetes the same problem occuring. kindly provide solution as i love my papa a lot.

sonam tenzing bhutia July 3, 2010 - 9:52 pm

I m just recently tested blood which read 107 (fasting) and 216 (PP). Do i need treatment or more exercise and diet control be ok. Can you advise…what kind of exercise and diet is required and avoid to take??

bakhshish singh September 28, 2010 - 6:04 am

Dear Sir,
I am 49 years old and suffering from diabities far last 10 years. my diabities remain between 250-350 fasting. I am also suffering from leg pain and foot paid also. kindly suggest me precuation.
with regards

bakhshish singh

Opendra Budhathoki October 15, 2010 - 10:30 am

I am patient of diabities, It is the beginning position

Rakesh Srivastava April 29, 2011 - 6:04 am

I am patient of diabities, It is 250 fasting & 460 pp. Please tell me what diet should be taken

deepak naphade August 6, 2011 - 7:58 am

my mom having regular headache problem ,her eye vision is also affected ,feels thirsty …..but her diabetes test comes negative which was conducted 3 month back .the is still not known ..please suggest me proper direction of treament.

Vishakha September 11, 2011 - 12:36 pm

Hello, i am suffring fron initial stage of diabatise . I want to know about the precuation and updates regarding this. Plz help me

manoj September 14, 2011 - 7:02 am

i want to know about precautions to be taken on diabetes.

paramesh October 22, 2011 - 1:17 am

I am at the early stage of diabities.it is 105 fasting & 135 after fasting.
pls advice.

Amit November 2, 2011 - 3:14 pm

Please guide me about the diet chart and type of exercise to be carried by the diabetic person

padmaja December 2, 2011 - 1:32 am

my dad was suffering from higher stage of diabetics(insulin stage). please send the precautions to avoid this to become more dangerous. pls

karthika February 2, 2012 - 4:34 am

my father is a diabetic patient his age is 52,after diet his sugar level is 293(+++). please send some important precautions to reduce sugar level as early as possible.

deepak February 20, 2012 - 4:51 am

my mother is a diabities so plz update n advice us what is best remeady n died etc.

arslan March 20, 2012 - 1:44 am

aoa hi i am arslan rafi. I am so worried about my father he is 42years old and he is suffering for last 6month with diabete. last we just checked up and he got that diease. Now i want complete precaution about his diease and want exercise and food chart.
I am you will help me time to time.


sindhwani March 26, 2012 - 1:43 pm

I am 37 yrs old and just find glucose in fasting suger which is 206 kindly advise me what i have to do

hameed July 9, 2012 - 10:44 am

i am 37years man i was suffering type2 daibetic sympton last five years , now i have suffering ejeculating and impotence problam i need your opinion can i get good treatment for this problam.and tell me what i have to take oral or local

hope fully given good answer

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